Question 44 / 297:  what is the result of compiling and running the following code?
interface Colorable { }

interface Bouncable extends Colorable { }

class Super implements Bouncable { }

class Sub extends Super implements Bouncable { }

class Individual { }

public class Tester {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.print(new Sub() instanceof Super);

System.out.print(new Sub() instanceof Colorable);

System.out.print(new Super() instanceof Sub);

System.out.print(new Individual() instanceof Super);



A  truetruefalsefalse
B  truefalsefalsefalse
C  Compilation error
D  RuntimeException becaue of the print statemen
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Individual and Super are incompatible, so using instanceof causes a compilation error.

Operands of instanceof must be in the same inheritance tree.

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