Question 13 / 49:  groups of related languages each of which evolved from a single, ancestral language that was spoken about five or six thousand years ago
1.  anthropological linguistics
2.  language
3.  symbols
4.  proxemics
5.  kinesics
6.  cerebral cortex
7.  American Sign Language (ASL)
8.  creoles
9.  International Phonetic Alphabet
10.  phonemic alphabet
11.  linguistic relativity
12.  dialects
13.  basic vocabulary
14.  language families
15.  Proto-Indo-European
16.  glottochronology
17.  sociolinguistics
18.  prestige dialects
19.  language nationalism
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Attribution:  Prof. Richley Crapo, Cultural Anthropology. (Utah State University), (Accessed 28 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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