Question 27 / 31: 

Answer either one of the questions below, or diversify your portfolio by answering both.

If you answer both, we will grade both and assign each question half of the 20% for this part.

If you answer only one, that one you answer will get the full 20%.

Please be sure it is clear to us which question(s) you want to be graded.

If the TA cannot figure it out on her own, she will grade both.

"There are two types of tax shields available to investors in property equity: deprecation tax shields (DTS) and interest tax shields (ITS),

but only one of these types of tax shields generally adds to the investment value of the investment no matter what the investor’s marginal tax rate."

Fully explain and clarify the following statement:
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Real Estate Finance & Investment Midterm Exam 2003


Access: Public Peer Review

Attribution:  Geltner, David, and Tod McGrath. 11.431J Real Estate Finance and Investment, Fall 2006. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 1 May, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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