Question 10 / 43:  From which of the following data might you estimate a price elasticity of supply?
A  a price hike from $7 to $13 causes sales to fall from 16,000 shirts to 8,000 shirts monthly.
B  farmers increase soybean plantings 15 percent when the price increases 5 percent.
C  Ford's production increases when Chevy sales fall because GM raises prices.
D  the output of tennis balls slumps 8 percent when the prices of racquets go up 12 percent.
E  steel production and sales rise 18 percent when national income grows 13 percent.
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Attribution:  Levy, Frank. 11.203 Microeconomics, Fall 2010. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 13 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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