Question 58 / 96:  Explain how the market process tends to push prices toward their equilibrium levels.

If the price is above the equilibrium level, the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded, meaning there is a surplus

or glut. Because producers are trying to sell more units than buyers wish to purchase, they tend to lower their asking

price. On the other hand, if the price is below the equilibrium level, the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied,

meaning there is a shortage. Because consumers are trying to buy more units than producers wish to sell, producers have an

incentive to raise their asking price (or consumers bid higher prices, depending on the mechanics of the particular market).

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Capitalism: The Market Economy

Access: Public Peer Review

Attribution:  Dr. Robert P. Murphy, Lessons for the Young Economist. (Mises Institute), (Accessed 04 April, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY
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