Question 72 / 83: 

(13 pt) From the wide range of topics covered in the fourth block, you have learned a lot about how certain neurological disorders can arise.

Match each disease in the left column with a related statement about neurobiology in the right column.

More than one statement may be appropriate, not all statements need to be used, and statements can be used more than once.

Write the appropriate number(s) next to the disease in the first column.

Caused by mutations in components of the cell death pathway
Choose 2
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Introduction to Neuroscience Exam #4 (HST.131)


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Attribution:  Corey, David. HST.131 Introduction to Neuroscience, Fall 2005. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 12 Apr, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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