Question 43 / 45:  Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the following sample: 4.72, 4.83, 4.98, 5.07, 4.61, 2.05.
A  4.0, 1.0
B  1.33, 4.38
C  4.38, 1.33
D  4.37, 1.2
E  4.38, 1.15
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You may use a spreadsheet or the formulas.

Mean = &sum Xi/N

Standard Deviation = ∑ ((Xi - Xmean)2 / (N-1) ) 1/2

N = number of points.

Remember to take the square and square root for the standard deviation.

If you are doing the calculations by hand, it is probably best to make a table.

Also, be sure to carry the appropriate number of significant figures through the calculation. In practice, if using a machine to do the calculations, you may find it convenient to carry a few more digits than you need throughout the calculation and then round only at the end.

Correct !

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Measurement & Experimentation Laboratory ME301


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Attribution:  Dr. Steve Gibbs. Measurement & Experimentation Laboratory. The Saylor Academy 2014,
Hope Percle
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