Question 25 / 50:  An unfortunate student sleeps through the final exam. Which of the following is he

most likely to use as his excuse if he has an internal locus of control?

A  "My alarm didn’t go off; there must have been a power outage!"
B  "My roommate kept me up until 5am talking about his girlfriend problems! I was exhausted!"
C  "There was an epic game of beer pong and I drank so much that I forgot to set my alarm!"
D  "My fraternity brothers played a practical joke on me and replaced my DayQuil with NyQuil!"
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Introduction to Psychology MCQ Exam 2010 Final

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Attribution:  Gabrieli, John. 9.00 Introduction to Psychology, Spring 2010. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 2 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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