Question 17 / 54:  an approach to life often found in situations of poverty in which actions are directed only to satisfying the needs of the present, by spending and consuming all income, because saving for the future seems futile
1.  innovation
2.  stimulus diffusion
3.  acculturation
4.  assimilation
5.  Law of Cultural Dominance
6.  Basic Law of Cultural Evolution
7.  specific evolution
8.  general evolution
9.  Principle of Stabilization
10.  Law of Evolutionary Potential
11.  Law of Local Discontinuity of Progress
12.  alienation
13.  indigenous people
14.  frontier areas
15.  ethnocide
16.  genocide
17.  industrialization
18.  underdeveloped country
19.  developing country
20.  urbanization
21.  peasants
22.  neocolonialism
23.  image of limited good
24.  culture of poverty
25.  refugees
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Attribution:  Prof. Richley Crapo, Cultural Anthropology. (Utah State University), (Accessed 28 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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