Question 31 / 36:  According to Geert Hofstede, all human groups, from the nuclear family to society, develop cultures as they evolve. What level does Hofstede include in our "collective programming"?
A  National level
B  Occupational level
C  Gender level
D  All of these answers
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Please refer to subunit 6.2.2. Read Geert Hofstede's "Culture" to learn that all human groups, from the nuclear family to society, develop cultures as they evolve. Culture is what enables a group to function smoothly. Hofstede describes several prominent levels that can be used as a basis for cultural comparison: national level, organizational level, occupational level, and gender level.

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Negotiations & Conflict Management BUS210


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Attribution:  Charles Jumper. Negotiations & Conflict Management (The Saylor Academy 2014),
Lakeima Roberts
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