Question 20 / 33:  A fluid with a density 7 times that of water is used in a manometer. A manometer reading of what height of this fluid corresponds to a pressure difference of 12.7 psi?
A  12. 7 m
B  12. 7 cm
C  1.27 m
D  7.0 m
E  17.1 m
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This sort of question is much easier to answer if you have a few numbers and one concept or equation at your fingertips. First, remember that for a manometer P= rho g h. You can see this,if you like, be writing Bernoulli's equation with the velocities set to zero. Second, atmospheric pressure is about 14.7 psi or 10.3 m of water. Then, the problem is just one of converting units 12.7 psi = 8.9 m water = 1.27 m of the fluid under examination.

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Thermal-Fluid Systems ME303


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Attribution:  Dr. Steve Gibbs. Thermal-Fluid Systems. The Saylor Academy 2014,
Royalle Moore
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Madison Christian
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