A 25 year old man has had intermittent diarrhea for the past year. Over the past 3 monthshis diarrhea has increased in frequency and he is waking at night to move his bowels.
Lately he has noted blood in the stool with some mucus. He has quite a bit of urgency to
move his bowels and notes that the volume of stool output is quite small. He denies
significant abdominal pain except for some mild left lower quadrant discomfort
associated with a bowel movement. His physical examination is normal. He has no fever.
His serum ASCA (anti-saccharomyces cereversiae antibody) level is undetectable and
pANCA (peri-nuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody) level is elevated.
Which of the following is the most likely colonoscopic finding?