OpenStax is a non-profit organization committed to improving student access to quality learning materials. Our free textbooks are developed and peer-reviewed by educators to ensure they are readable, accurate, and meet the scope and sequence requirements of modern college courses. Unlike traditional textbooks, OpenStax resources live online and are owned by the community of educators using them. Through our partnerships with companies and foundations committed to reducing costs for students, OpenStax is working to improve access to higher education for all. OpenStax is an initiative of Rice University and is made possible through the generous support of several philanthropic foundations.
Welcome to Introduction to Sociology 2e , an OpenStax resource created with several goals in mind: accessibility, affordability, customization, and student engagement—all while encouraging learners toward high levels of learning. Instructors and students alike will find that this textbook offers a strong foundation in sociology. It is available for free online and in low-cost print and e-book editions.
To broaden access and encourage community curation, Introduction to Sociology 2e is “open source” licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. Everyone is invited to submit examples, emerging research, and other feedback to enhance and strengthen the material and keep it current and relevant for today’s students. You can make suggestions by contacting us at
This book is written for you and is based on the teaching and research experience of numerous sociologists. In today’s global socially networked world, the topic of sociology is more relevant than ever before. We hope that through this book, you will learn how simple, everyday human actions and interactions can change the world. In this book, you will find applications of sociology concepts that are relevant, current, and balanced.
This text is intended for a one-semester introductory course. Since current events influence our social perspectives and the field of sociology in general, OpenStax encourages instructors to keep this book fresh by sending in your up-to-date examples to so that students and instructors around the country can relate and engage in fruitful discussions.
Introduction to Sociology 2e adheres to the scope and sequence of a typical introductory sociology course. In addition to comprehensive coverage of core concepts, foundational scholars, and emerging theories we have incorporated section reviews with engaging questions, discussions that help students apply the sociological imagination, and features that draw learners into the discipline in meaningful ways. Although this text can be modified and reorganized to suit your needs, the standard version is organized so that topics are introduced conceptually, with relevant, everyday experiences.
Part of the mission of the second edition update was to ensure the research, examples and concepts used in this textbook are current and relevant to today’s student. To this end, we have rewritten the introduction of each chapter to reflect the latest developments in sociology, history and global culture. In addition to new graphs and images, the reader of the second edition will find new feature boxes on a diverse array of topics, which has been one of the goals of the update—bringing the world into greater focus through case studies on global culture.
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What images come to mind when you think of the term professional? Do you picture an executive in a fancy suit strutting into a boardroom? Or, perhaps you envision a supervisor walking among cubicles and issuing orders to employees. While it is true that professionalism encompasses how we present ourselves outwardly, the meaning of the term goes far beyond appearances. Professionalism also encompasses inward characteristics and attitudes that affect how others in the workplace perceive us. The professional world can be full of challenging situations, including conflicting personalities, miscommunication, and cultural differences. In this course, you will learn about typical workplace etiquette protocols, communication standards, and cultural awareness strategies in order to navigate these common obstacles as smoothly as possible.
By this point in Saylors Job Search Skills courses in the Professional Development Program, you have started the process of honing your professional image by producing a tailored rsum and cultivating important interviewing skills. This course will guide you through additional strategies for establishing and maintaining your professional image in the workplace. Whether you are working on a construction site or in a medical facility, practicing professional etiquette will help ensure that your occupational environment is a positive and productive one. You will focus on integrating internal attitudes with external behaviors so that your personal attributes work together to enhance your professional image.
You will begin this course with an introduction to professional manners and common courtesy. Then, you will learn how to communicate effectively and courteously via common workplace communication modes verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and virtual communication paying particular attention to how technology affects these forms of workplace communication. In the last unit of this course, you will investigate the topic of workplace diversity in order to gain an awareness of differences and how to respond to and respect them
Question: At a work luncheon, which of the following is an example of proper courtesy?
Thanking your server when he fills your water glass
Arriving 5 minutes late
Using your cell phone to make a personal call at the table
Telling a political joke
Question: Employers desire professionals who do which of the following?
Treat others respectfully only when they deserve it
Speak their mind and talk over others
Listen actively, honor commitments, and seek help when needed
Discuss personal issues with coworkers to build relationships
Question: How has the introduction of technology in the workplace created challenges for supervisors?
Employees have additional distractions to lower productivity.
Communication is not as efficient.
Information cannot be as detailed and specific.
None of the above
Question: Font choices, facial expressions, symbols, timing, and body language are all examples of what type of communication?
Verbal communication
Nonverbal communication
Virtual communication
Technological communication
Question: Which of the following is an example of a common cultural value in the workplace?
Shaking hands without smiling or showing eye contact
Believing that you should provide your clients with fast and accurate service
Invading a co-worker's personal space to ask a question
Minimizing group work to reduce communication
Question: Why is eye contact an important factor in communication?
Eye contact creates an individual connection.
Eye contact confirms to the speaker that you are actively listening.
Eye contact keeps you focused on the topic.
All of the above
Question: Professionalism includes all of the following EXCEPT:
specialized knowledge.
willingness to learn.
appropriate attire.
compromising values.
Question: How does cultural diversity affect the workplace?
Cultural diversity can increase the variety of talent.
Cultural diversity often changes the way we communicate.
Cultural diversity provides multiple perspectives on an issue.
All of the above
Question: Intercultural communication involves which of the following?
Sensitivity to the importance of individual differences
The knowledge of socially appropriate and inappropriate behavior
Both A and B
None of the above