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By the end of this section, you will be able to:
  • Describe the resonant frequencies in instruments that can be modeled as a tube with symmetrical boundary conditions
  • Describe the resonant frequencies in instruments that can be modeled as a tube with anti-symmetrical boundary conditions

Some musical instruments, such as woodwinds, brass, and pipe organs, can be modeled as tubes with symmetrical boundary conditions , that is, either open at both ends or closed at both ends ( [link] ). Other instruments can be modeled as tubes with anti-symmetrical boundary conditions , such as a tube with one end open and the other end closed ( [link] ).

Picture is a diagram of the fundamental and three lowest overtones for a tube closed at one end. Fundamental has half of its wavelength in a tube. First overtone has one of its wavelength in a tube, second overtone has one and a half of its wavelength in a tube, third overtone has two of its wavelength in a tube. All have maximum air displacements at both ends of a tube.
Some musical instruments can be modeled as a pipe open at both ends.
Picture is a diagram of the fundamental and three lowest overtones for a tube closed at one end. Fundamental has quarter of its wavelength in a tube. First overtone has three-quarters of its wavelength in a tube, second overtone has five fourths of its wavelength in a tube, third overtone has seven fourths of its wavelength in a tube. All have maximum air displacements one end and none at the closed end.
Some musical instruments can be modeled as a pipe closed at one end.

Resonant frequencies are produced by longitudinal waves that travel down the tubes and interfere with the reflected waves traveling in the opposite direction. A pipe organ is manufactured with various tubes of fixed lengths to produce different frequencies. The waves are the result of compressed air allowed to expand in the tubes. Even in open tubes, some reflection occurs due to the constraints of the sides of the tubes and the atmospheric pressure outside the open tube.

The antinodes do not occur at the opening of the tube, but rather depend on the radius of the tube. The waves do not fully expand until they are outside the open end of a tube, and for a thin-walled tube, an end correction should be added. This end correction is approximately 0.6 times the radius of the tube and should be added to the length of the tube.

Players of instruments such as the flute or oboe vary the length of the tube by opening and closing finger holes. On a trombone, you change the tube length by using a sliding tube. Bugles have a fixed length and can produce only a limited range of frequencies.

The fundamental and overtones can be present simultaneously in a variety of combinations. For example, middle C on a trumpet sounds distinctively different from middle C on a clarinet, although both instruments are modified versions of a tube closed at one end. The fundamental frequency is the same (and usually the most intense), but the overtones and their mix of intensities are different and subject to shading by the musician. This mix is what gives various musical instruments (and human voices) their distinctive characteristics, whether they have air columns, strings, sounding boxes, or drumheads. In fact, much of our speech is determined by shaping the cavity formed by the throat and mouth, and positioning the tongue to adjust the fundamental and combination of overtones. For example, simple resonant cavities can be made to resonate with the sound of the vowels ( [link] ). In boys at puberty, the larynx grows and the shape of the resonant cavity changes, giving rise to the difference in predominant frequencies in speech between men and women.

Picture is a schematic diagram of the mouth and a throat system. Air travels from trachea to the larynx, pharynx, and mouth. Vocal cord is located between larynx and pharynx. Epiglottis is located above pharynx. Tongue is located in the mouth. Soft palate tops the mouth. Hard palate separates mouth from the nasal cavity.
The throat and mouth form an air column closed at one end that resonates in response to vibrations in the voice box. The spectrum of overtones and their intensities vary with mouth shaping and tongue position to form different sounds. The voice box can be replaced with a mechanical vibrator, and understandable speech is still possible. Variations in basic shapes make different voices recognizable.

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Source:  OpenStax, University physics volume 1. OpenStax CNX. Sep 19, 2016 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col12031/1.5
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