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  • Explain the relationship between the energy of a photon in joules or electron volts and its wavelength or frequency.
  • Calculate the number of photons per second emitted by a monochromatic source of specific wavelength and power.

Ionizing radiation

A photon is a quantum of EM radiation. Its energy is given by E = hf and is related to the frequency f and wavelength λ size 12{λ} {} of the radiation by

E = hf = hc λ (energy of a photon), size 12{E = ital "hf"= { { ital "hc"} over {λ} } } {}

where E size 12{E} {} is the energy of a single photon and c size 12{c} {} is the speed of light. When working with small systems, energy in eV is often useful. Note that Planck’s constant in these units is

h = 4 . 14 × 10 –15 eV s . size 12{h =" 4" "." "14 " times " 10" rSup { size 8{"–15"} } " eV " cdot " s"} {}

Since many wavelengths are stated in nanometers (nm), it is also useful to know that

hc = 1240 eV nm . size 12{ ital "hc" =" 1240 eV " cdot " nm"} {}

These will make many calculations a little easier.

All EM radiation is composed of photons. [link] shows various divisions of the EM spectrum plotted against wavelength, frequency, and photon energy. Previously in this book, photon characteristics were alluded to in the discussion of some of the characteristics of UV, x rays, and γ size 12{γ} {} rays, the first of which start with frequencies just above violet in the visible spectrum. It was noted that these types of EM radiation have characteristics much different than visible light. We can now see that such properties arise because photon energy is larger at high frequencies.

An electromagnetic spectrum is shown. Different types of radiation are indicated using double-sided arrows based on the ranges of their wavelength, energy, and frequency; the visible spectrum is shown, which is a very narrow band. The radio wave region is further segmented into A M radio, F M radio, and Microwaves bands.
The EM spectrum, showing major categories as a function of photon energy in eV, as well as wavelength and frequency. Certain characteristics of EM radiation are directly attributable to photon energy alone.
Representative energies for submicroscopic effects (order of magnitude only)
Rotational energies of molecules 10 5 size 12{"10" rSup { size 8{ - 5} } } {} eV
Vibrational energies of molecules 0.1 eV
Energy between outer electron shells in atoms 1 eV
Binding energy of a weakly bound molecule 1 eV
Energy of red light 2 eV
Binding energy of a tightly bound molecule 10 eV
Energy to ionize atom or molecule 10 to 1000 eV

Photons act as individual quanta and interact with individual electrons, atoms, molecules, and so on. The energy a photon carries is, thus, crucial to the effects it has. [link] lists representative submicroscopic energies in eV. When we compare photon energies from the EM spectrum in [link] with energies in the table, we can see how effects vary with the type of EM radiation.

Gamma rays , a form of nuclear and cosmic EM radiation, can have the highest frequencies and, hence, the highest photon energies in the EM spectrum. For example, a γ size 12{γ} {} -ray photon with f = 10 21 Hz size 12{f"= 10" rSup { size 8{"21"} } " Hz"} {} has an energy E = hf = 6.63 × 10 –13 J = 4 . 14 MeV. size 12{E = ital "hf""= 6" "." "63 " times " 10" rSup { size 8{"–13"} } " J"=4 "." "14"`"MeV"} {} This is sufficient energy to ionize thousands of atoms and molecules, since only 10 to 1000 eV are needed per ionization. In fact, γ size 12{γ} {} rays are one type of ionizing radiation    , as are x rays and UV, because they produce ionization in materials that absorb them. Because so much ionization can be produced, a single γ size 12{γ} {} -ray photon can cause significant damage to biological tissue, killing cells or damaging their ability to properly reproduce. When cell reproduction is disrupted, the result can be cancer, one of the known effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Since cancer cells are rapidly reproducing, they are exceptionally sensitive to the disruption produced by ionizing radiation. This means that ionizing radiation has positive uses in cancer treatment as well as risks in producing cancer.

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Source:  OpenStax, College physics. OpenStax CNX. Jul 27, 2015 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11406/1.9
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