The examples have been carefully chosen to illustrate and develop concepts and techniques in the most instructive, easily remembered way. Concepts and techniques preceding the examples are introduced at a level below that normally used in similar texts and are thoroughly explained, assuming little previous knowledge.
Practice sets
A parallel Practice Set follows each Sample Set, which reinforces the concepts just learned. There is adequate space for the student to work each problem directly on the page.
Answers to practice sets
The Answers to Practice Sets are given at the end of each section and can be easily located by referring to the page number, which appears after the last Practice Set in each section.
Section exercises
The exercises at the end of each section are graded in terms of difficulty, although they are not grouped into categories. There is an ample number of problems, and after working through the exercises, the student will be capable of solving a variety of challenging problems.
The problems are paired so that the odd-numbered problems are equivalent in kind and difficulty to the even-numbered problems. Answers to the odd-numbered problems are provided at the back of the book.
Exercises for review
This section consists of five problems that form a cumulative review of the material covered in the preceding sections of the text and is not limited to material in that chapter. The exercises are keyed by section for easy reference. Since these exercises are intended for review only, no work space is provided.
Summary of key concepts
A summary of the important ideas and formulas used throughout the chapter is included at the end of each chapter. More than just a list of terms, the summary is a valuable tool that reinforces concepts in preparation for the Proficiency Exam at the end of the chapter, as well as future exams. The summary keys each item to the section of the text where it is discussed.
Exercise supplement
In addition to numerous section exercises, each chapter includes approximately 100 supplemental problems, which are referenced by section. Answers to the odd-numbered problems are included in the back of the book.
Proficiency exam
Each chapter ends with a Proficiency Exam that can serve as a chapter review or evaluation. The Proficiency Exam is keyed to sections, which enables the student to refer back to the text for assistance. Answers to all the problems are included in the Answer Section at the end of the book.
The writing style used in Fundamentals of Mathematics is informal and friendly, offering a straightforward approach to prealgebra mathematics. We have made a deliberate effort not to write another text that minimizes the use of words because we believe that students can best study arithmetic concepts and understand arithmetic techniques by using words and symbols rather than symbols alone. It has been our experience that students at the prealgebra level are not nearly experienced enough with mathematics to understand symbolic explanations alone; they need literal explanations to guide them through the symbols.