This module contains the learning objectives for the chapter "Introduction to Fractions and Multiplication and Division of Fractions" from Fundamentals of Mathematics by Denny Burzynski and Wade Ellis, jr.
After completing this chapter, you should
Fractions of whole numbers (
[link] )
- understand the concept of fractions of whole numbers
- be able to recognize the parts of a fraction
Proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers (
[link] )
- be able to distinguish between proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers
- be able to convert an improper fraction to a mixed number
- be able to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction
Equivalent fractions, reducing fractions to lowest terms, and raising fractions to higher terms (
[link] )
- be able to recognize equivalent fractions
- be able to reduce a fraction to lowest terms
- be able to raise a fraction to higher terms
Multiplication of fractions (
[link] )
- understand the concept of multiplication of fractions
- be able to multiply one fraction by another
- be able to multiply mixed numbers
- be able to find powers and roots of various fractions
Division of fractions (
[link] )
- be able to determine the reciprocal of a number
- be able to divide one fraction by another
Applications involving fractions (
[link] )
- be able to solve missing product statements
- be able to solve missing factor statements