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Experiment 1 NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy


To introduce or re-acquaint you to the fundamentals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR spectroscopy) and to show you how the information obtained from this technique can be used to determine molecular composition and structure. Mass (MS), infrared (IR), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrums ( 1 H size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{1} } H} {} and 13 C size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"13"} } C} {} ) are useful tools for analyzing unknown organic compounds.


  • The correctness and thoroughness of your observations.
  • The ability to deduce the chemical structure from the NMR spectra.
  • Completion of Laboratory Revision Questions and Report Questions.

Background Information

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an analytical technique based upon the nuclear properties of some types of atoms. Many atoms have isotopes which possess a nuclear magnetic moment, just as the electron does, having a spin of 1/2. Atomic nuclei may have no spin, spin of 1/2, or other spins which are increments of 1/2 (1, 2, etc.). For organic chemists, the most useful nuclei for observation are usually those with spin 1/2. Nuclei with other spins may be studied, but their signals are sometimes observed only under special circumstances and will not be discussed here. A number of nuclei have spin 1/2 and are very useful for study by NMR spectroscopy. Table 1 lists a number of these elements and their natural abundances. 1 H size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{1} } H} {} , 13 C size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"13"} } C} {} , 31 P size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"31"} } P} {} , 19 F size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"19"} } F} {} , and 15 N size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"15"} } N} {} are of particular interest to organic chemists.

Table 1. Common Nuclei with Spin 1/2

Nucleus Natural Abundance (%)
1 H size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{1} } H} {} 99.985
13 C size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"13"} } C} {} 1.11
31 P size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"31"} } P} {} 100.0
15 N size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"15"} } N} {} 0.37
19 F size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"19"} } F} {} 100.0
103 Rh size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"103"} } ital "Rh"} {} 100.0
107 Ag size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"107"} } ital "Ag"} {} 51.8
109 Ag size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"109"} } ital "Ag"} {} 48.2
117 Sn size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"117"} } ital "Sn"} {} 7.7
119 Sn size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"119"} } ital "Sn"} {} 8.6
77 Se size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"77"} } ital "Se"} {} 7.6
125 Te size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"125"} } ital "Te"} {} 7.0
195 Pt size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"195"} } ital "Pt"} {} 33.8
203 Tl size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"203"} } ital "Tl"} {} 29.5
205 Tl size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"205"} } ital "Tl"} {} 70.5
207 Pb size 12{ {} rSup { size 8{"207"} } ital "Pb"} {} 22.1
In the absence of an external magnetic field, nuclei with a spin of 1/2 have two possible spin states that are equal in energy. These are labeled +1/2 and -1/2.

If we place the nuclei in a strong external magnetic field, these energy levels are no longer equal.

If we then apply a magnetic field that corresponds in energy to the separation energy ( Δ size 12{Δ} {} E), the molecule will absorb that energy and cause the nucleus to go from the parallel spin state to the anti-parallel spin state. The energy that is applied to cause this change in spin state is in the radiofrequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Most commonly a sample solution is prepared and placed in a glass tube that is very uniform and has thin walls. The sample is then placed inside a high field magnet. In older instruments, a variable Rf frequency was applied to the sample to sweep out a range of radiofrequencies, thereby generating a spectrum of the radiofrequency energy absorbed. In newer instruments, a short pulse of radiofrequency energy is used that excites nuclei over a range of frequencies, and the response of all of these nuclei is measured all at once. The spectrum is then obtained by a mathematical transformation of the total signal using the Fourier Transform technique. This is known as FT-NMR. NMR spectra may also be obtained on solid samples, but the technical difficulties are much greater and will not be covered here.

Questions & Answers

what is cell
Real Reply
Atoms, molecule, tissues, organ, organ system and organisms
Mohamed Reply
What is an atom
Mabel Reply
what are the connective tissue
Faith Reply
which part of the brain that controls human body
Mozanto Reply
describe the stage of eghopoisis
alupe Reply
what is a blood vessels
Sani Reply
what is plasma and is component
Fad Reply
what is the anterior
Tito Reply
Means front part of the body
what is anatomy
Ruth Reply
describe the stage of ehopoisis
study of structure
To better understand how the different part of the body works. To understand the physiology of the various structures in the body. To differentiate the systems of the human body .
Roseann Reply
what is hypogelersomia
aliyu Reply
what are the parts of the female reproductive system?
Orji Reply
what is anatomy
Divinefavour Reply
what are the six types of synovial joints and their ligaments
Darlington Reply
draw the six types of synovial joint and their ligaments
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Source:  OpenStax, Chem 215 spring08. OpenStax CNX. Mar 21, 2008 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10496/1.8
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