Description of signal spaces and metric spaces.
Signal spaces
We start the content of our course by defining its main concepts of a signal and a signal space.
Definition 1 A
signal is the value of some quantity as a function of time, space, frequency, etc.; each signal is labeled by a lower-case letter
Definition 2 A
signal space is a set of signals defined by some criterion, labeled by an upper-case letter
(since it is a set).
Some familiar sets of signals are
, and the set of vectors
Definition 3 The signal space
contains all signals
such that
for all
(i.e., at no time the signal is infinite).
Metric spaces
Definition 4 A
is a function used to measure distance between pairs of elements of
with the following properties: for all
(triangle inequality).
is a metric on
, the pair
is called a
metric space . A set
can have multiple metrics, leading to different metric spaces.
Example 1 The following are some initial examples of metric spaces:
for all
: it is easy to check properties (1-4).
for all
: it is easy to check properties (1-3). To verify (4), assume that
; then both
, which means
; by transitivity,
, as desired. Now assume that
; then we immediately get
, as desired.
with metric
, known as the Euclidean metric.
with metric
with metric
. Formally,
is a
pseudometric on
, since there are signals
that yield
. However, one can define a new signal space where all signals with
are equal to each other.
with metric
, for
, an extension of the metric
with metric
; this metric solves the equivalence problem of
is the
supremum of
, i.e., the smallest value
such that
. Similarly,
is the
infimum of
, i.e., the largest value
such that