We will view signals as elements of certain mathematical spaces. The spaces
have a common structure, so it will be useful to think of them in theabstract.
Metric spaces
Definition 1
set is a (possibly infinite) collection of distinct objects.
The empty set:
(plays a role akin to zero)
Binary numbers:
Natural numbers:
is short for “Zahlen”, German for “numbers”)
Rational numbers:
for “quotient”)
Real numbers:
Complex numbers:
In this course we will assume familiarity with a number of common set operations. In particular, for the sets
, we have the operations of:
In order to be useful a set must typically satisfy some additional structure. We begin by defining a notion of distance.
Definition 2
metric space is a set
together with a
metric (distance function)
such that for all
(positive semi-definite)
(triangle inequality).
is arbitrary)
= real (or complex) valued functions defined on