The souvenir of egypt virtual research project
This course will document a
series of research questions in which we will research and identify each of the imagesin the silk in order to gain an understanding of their meanings independently and in
relation to one another. In each section of the module we will introduce and exploredifferent resources and research techniques. Although the modules are centered on the
resources available through the Fondren Library at Rice University, the resourcesdescribed are available at most academic libraries. The research techniques we use are
addressed throughout the course as independent aspects of the project; that is, you canapply the resources and techniques we use just to a wide range of materials.
Below we have divided the project into categories of images found in the
silk. Under each heading you will find lists of the sorts of historical questions thatwill come up in the project. You may select any of these to take you directly to the
section in which they are addressed. Be aware, however, that the project is progressiveand some of the resources and techniques are cumulative.
The texts
The Souvenir of Egypt contains four separate bodies of
text , each
requiring different research methods and resources. In this section we examine each ofthe texts for origin and meaning, accumulating resources as we go that are used both
alone and together. The following list describes the questions that arise during theexamination of the texts and the resources and methods we explore for each with links to
the sections in which they are introduced. (Note that the links below may not take youdirectly to the relevant section. When you have selected a link, wait for the targetpage to load completely and place the cursor after the text in your browser’s
address bar, then hit enter.)
How to find assistance with the translation of
texts written in a language foreign to you
How to trace the origins of a quoted phrase or
verse of poetry
How to locate a specific phrase in the
holdings of your university library using subject searches
How to use online reference sources to define
specific words in a text
The flags
There are seven flags represented in the Souvenir of Egypt. In
this section we use a variety of resources to discover the origins and periods of usefor each flag. Below is a list of the methods and resources we have used for each with a
link to their locations in the course. The following list describes the questions thatarise during the examination of the flags and the resources and methods we explore for
each with links to the sections in which they are introduced.
How to locate the relevant reference material
to research the identity of an unnamed flag
Which we then follow with a
examinations of some of those materials
How to identify unnamed flags using online
How to use the online resources and
reference materials together to overcome research obstacles