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Condensation The joining of two molecules by taking a water molecule from them (see Hydrolysis)
Cone A photoreceptor cell which is sensitive to bright light and colour
Conjunctiva The transparent membrane covering the eyeball and attached to the eyelids
Connective tissue Any animal tissue that provides support, packing and insulation between the organs of the body; usually the cells are found in a large amount of matrix
Constipation Disease in which it is difficult to release faeces
Constrict To become narrower
Continental drift A theory explaining how the major land masses of earth have moved over time due to plate tectonics
Control The part of an experiment where the manipulated variable is controlled or is missing so the experimenter can check that the variable is causing the effect
Convex With a surface that curves outwards towards the edge
Convoluted Very highly folded and tangled up
Co-ordination Causing separate parts to work together as one unit
Cornea The transparent part of the sclera at the front of the eye
Coronary artery One of the arteries that surround the heart and feed its muscles
Corpus callosum Bundle of nerve fibres making the connection between the right and left cerebral hemispheres
Corolla The collective term for all the petals of one flower
Cortex The outer region of an organ such as the kidney
Cotyledon The part of the embryo of a plant used to provide food; flowering plants have either one (monocots) or two (dicots) in each seed
Counter current A system where two liquids flow close to each other in opposite directions
Cranial nerves Peripheral nerves that come from the brain part of the central nervous system
Cretinism A condition of having a poorly developed brain and body due to lack of thyroxin
Cristae Folds on the inner membrane of a mitochondrion
Cross pollination The transfer of pollen from the male part of one flower to the female part of another flower of the same species
Cupula Jelly-like structure in the ampulla which moves when the head is moved
Cusp The place where two curved surfaces meet
Cuticle The waxy, waterproof outer layer of a plant organ such as the shiny coating on a leaf
Cytoplasm All the living substance of a cell except for the nucleus; it includes the other
Cytosol The liquid part of the cell which is the cytoplasm without its membraneous organelles
Dark phase (stage) The part of the process of photosynthesis that is independent of light; when carbon dioxide is fixed and then reduced to make carbohydrate
Data Known facts which can be used for analysis and interpretation
Deamination Removing the amino group (-NH2) from an amino acid to leave C, H and O only
Deficiency When there is not enough of something to do the job properly
Denature When a protein loses its shape due to changes in acidity or to high temperatures; then it can no longer carry out its job
Dendrite A shorter extension of a nerve cell; bringing the impulse to the cell body
Dental formula A statement of the number of each type of teeth in one half of the upper and lower jaw of a mammal species
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