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There is a growing need for professional development for teachers and principals that is needs-based as well as e-based. Traditional forms of professional development have taken the form of one-time workshops, “expert” speakers, lectures and other short-term sessions, which have become almost obsolete in today’s techno-savvy world. Research has shown that these traditional formats are no longer effective or attractive for today’s busy educators, who work in a society where there are shrinking budgets and time constraints, but where there is also a plethora of technological advances that can bring professional development directly to the individual. This paper takes the reader through the background of traditional and the growth of needs-based professional development, and proposes e-PD (electronic professional development) as an alternative to older, familiar forms of training. Examples of state and professional organizations that offer e-based or online professional development are given.

This module has been peer-reviewed, accepted, and sanctioned by the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA) as a scholarly contribution to the knowledge base in educational administration.

Professional development is both a growing trend and an increasing need in this country for those employed in a wide variety of professions. It is a way for employees to engage in workplace learning to improve performance levels and skills, and to learn new ones as well. According to the American Society for Training&Development (ASTD),“Many economists and business leaders agree that the key to achieving business results and sustaining a competitive advantage is a fully engaged, knowledgeable, and skilled workforce”(Rivera&Paradise, 2006, p. 2). According to this same report, American industry spends an estimated $109.25 billion annually on professional development activities.

Educators make up about two percent of the American workforce (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2007). According to the US Department of Education (USDOE), there are over 2.7 million full-time teachers in this country, and they play a critical role in the quality of education. In a 2004 report by the USDOE,“The single most important factor affecting student achievement is teachers…”(Kleiman, 2004). The importance of highly-qualified teachers is evident, and therefore the question becomes: how do we keep 2.7 million teachers trained and current so they may deliver the quality education this country’s children deserve?

Professional development is a key component to maintaining a skilled workforce and producing quality teachers, so the challenge lies in providing and delivering training so that it is meaningful, high-quality, and presented in the most effective format.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, teachers on average spend over 40 hours per week on school duties both inside and outside of the classroom. In addition, they work 10 months during the year and then during their two-month break many take second jobs, teach summer courses, or spend time in workshops or college classes to continue their education (U.S. Department of Labor, 2006). To complicate matters, many teachers live in rural areas where they do not have access to professional development opportunities. Additionally, there is the problem of a shortage of qualified teachers in such fields as mathematics, science, and foreign languages who need specific training and courses to obtain state certification (Kleiman, 2004, p. 1).

Questions & Answers

what is defense mechanism
Chinaza Reply
what is defense mechanisms
I'm interested in biological psychology and cognitive psychology
Tanya Reply
what does preconceived mean
sammie Reply
physiological Psychology
Nwosu Reply
How can I develope my cognitive domain
Amanyire Reply
why is communication effective
Dakolo Reply
Communication is effective because it allows individuals to share ideas, thoughts, and information with others.
effective communication can lead to improved outcomes in various settings, including personal relationships, business environments, and educational settings. By communicating effectively, individuals can negotiate effectively, solve problems collaboratively, and work towards common goals.
it starts up serve and return practice/assessments.it helps find voice talking therapy also assessments through relaxed conversation.
Every time someone flushes a toilet in the apartment building, the person begins to jumb back automatically after hearing the flush, before the water temperature changes. Identify the types of learning, if it is classical conditioning identify the NS, UCS, CS and CR. If it is operant conditioning, identify the type of consequence positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement or punishment
Wekolamo Reply
please i need answer
because it helps many people around the world to understand how to interact with other people and understand them well, for example at work (job).
Manix Reply
Agreed 👍 There are many parts of our brains and behaviors, we really need to get to know. Blessings for everyone and happy Sunday!
A child is a member of community not society elucidate ?
Isn't practices worldwide, be it psychology, be it science. isn't much just a false belief of control over something the mind cannot truly comprehend?
Simon Reply
compare and contrast skinner's perspective on personality development on freud
namakula Reply
Skinner skipped the whole unconscious phenomenon and rather emphasized on classical conditioning
explain how nature and nurture affect the development and later the productivity of an individual.
Amesalu Reply
nature is an hereditary factor while nurture is an environmental factor which constitute an individual personality. so if an individual's parent has a deviant behavior and was also brought up in an deviant environment, observation of the behavior and the inborn trait we make the individual deviant.
I am taking this course because I am hoping that I could somehow learn more about my chosen field of interest and due to the fact that being a PsyD really ignites my passion as an individual the more I hope to learn about developing and literally explore the complexity of my critical thinking skills
Zyryn Reply
and having a good philosophy of the world is like a sandwich and a peanut butter 👍
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Kelu Reply
interpersonal relationships
Abdulfatai Reply
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Source:  OpenStax, Mentorship for teacher leaders. OpenStax CNX. Dec 22, 2008 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10622/1.3
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