In this lesson, you will learn how to configure the appearance of the front panel.
After you build a VI, you can configure the appearance of the
front panel so users can more easily operate the VI. Forexample, you can hide the menu bar and scrollbars to create VIs
that look and behave like standard dialog boxes for eachplatform.
File>>VI Properties
to configure the
appearance and behavior of a VI. You also can right-click the VIicon on the front panel or block diagram and select
from the shortcut menu. You cannot access the
VI Properties
dialog box while a VI is
running. Refer to the
LabVIEW Basics II: Development
Course Manual for more information about configuring the
behavior of VIs.
Use the
pull-down menu at the top of the
VI Properties
dialog box to select from several
different option categories, including the following:
Displays the current path where a VI is saved, its revision
number, revision history, and any changes made since the VIwas last saved. You also can use this page to edit the icon
or the size of the alignment grid for the VI.
Use this page to add a description of the VI and link to a
help file topic. Refer to the original
Thermometer VI for more information about documenting VIs.
Use this page to lock or password-protect a VI.
Window appearance
Use this page to configure various window settings.
Window size
Use this page to set the size of the window.
Use this page to configure how a VI runs. For example, you
can configure a VI to run immediately when it opens or topause when called as a subVI.
Editor options
Use this page to set the size of the alignment grid for the
current VI and to change the style of control or indicatorLabVIEW creates when you right-click a terminal and select
from the shortcut menu.
Window appearance
In the
VI Properties
dialog box, select
Window Appearance
from the
pull-down menu to customize the window appearance for VIs.
These options apply to the VI when it is running. Use these
options to change how the user interacts with the applicationby restricting access to LabVIEW features and by changing the
way the window looks and behaves. You can make the VI look andact like a dialog box so the user cannot interact with other
windows while the VI window is open. You also can remove thescrollbars and toolbar, and you can set a window to be
centered or automatically sized to fit the screen.
By default, the VI window title is the same as the VI
name. You can customize the VI window title to make it moredescriptive than the VI filename. This is useful for localized
VIs so the VI window title can be translated to the locallanguage. Remove the checkmark from the
Same as VI
checkbox to edit
Window title
To configure the window appearance, select one of the
following window styles. A graphical representation of eachstyle displays on the right when you select the style.
Top-level application window
Shows the title bar and menu bar, hides the scrollbars andtoolbar, allows the user to close the window, allows
run-time shortcut menus, does not allow resizing, andshows the front panel when called.
The VI functions as a dialog box in the operating system,so the user cannot interact with other LabVIEW windows
while this VI window is open. This option does not preventyou from bringing windows of other applications to the
front. (
UNIX ) You cannot make a window stay
in front of all other windows.Dialog style windows stay on top, have no menu bar,
scrollbars, or toolbar, allow the user to close the windowbut not resize it, allow run-time shortcut menus, and show
the front panel when called. Also, if a Boolean parameteron the front panel is associated with the
key, LabVIEW highlights the parameter with a dark border.
Same window style used in the LabVIEW development
Custom window style.
Displays the Customize Window Appearance dialog box.
Window size
In the
VI Properties
dialog box, select
Window Size
from the
pull-down menu to customize the window size for VIs. This page
includes the following components:
Minimum panel size
Sets the minimum size of the front panel. If you allow the
user to resize the window on the
page, the user cannot resize the front
panel smaller than the width and height you set on thispage.
Size the front panel to the width and height of the
entire screen
Automatically resizes the front panel window to fit thescreen when you run the VI. The VI does not retain a
record of its original size and location, so it stays inthe new location if you switch back to edit mode.
Maintain proportions of window for different monitor
Resizes the VI so it takes up approximately the same
amount of screen space when opened on a computer with adifferent monitor resolution. For example, if you develop
a VI on a computer with a monitor resolution of
, you might want to run the VI on a computer
with a monitor resolution of
. Use this control in conjunction with scaling
one or all the objects on the front panel.
Scale all objects on front panel as the window
Automatically resizes all front panel objects with respectto and in proportion to the size of the front panel
window. Text does not resize because the font sizes arefixed. Use this option when you allow the user to resize
the front panel window.