We derive the interference patter for a diffraction grating.
Diffraction grating
Consider the case of N slit diffraction, We
So we can just follow the steps of the two slit case and extend them and get
This is the same geometric series we dealt with before
Notice that this just ends up being multisource interference multiplied by
single slit diffraction.
Squaring it we see
Interference with diffractionfor 6 slits with
Interference with diffractionfor 6 slits with
Interference with diffractionfor10 slits with
Interference with diffractionfor10 slits with
Principal maxima occur when
or since
and just like in multisource interference minima occur at
A diffraction grating is a repetitive array of diffracting elements such as
slits or reflectors. Typically with N very large (100's). Notice how all butthe first maximum depend on
So you can use a grating for spectroscopy.