To investigate the stability of a ranking and the expected ranking, one approach is to first estimate the the state transition probabilities of
. For example if
T is a stopping time such that
P is a time homogeneous transition probability function for
then the expected duration of state
j can be determined as follows [7]:
On any week however, the ranking of a given currency,
k , in our set is directly dependent on return/ranking of the the rest of the set. We should consider the process
that is a permutation of
S at time
t . There's little information in literature for modeling
t directly. Its more common to assume that conditional on some underlying process
independent of
, an assumption though convenient may, in the case of return based permutation rankings, engender ranking estimates with ties, an event with low probability of occurrence (two currencies having the same weekly return). Following this approach, I make the simplifying assumption that conditional on
X the weekly historic volatility of all currencies in our set,
is independent of
for any pair of currencies
1 and
2 . The state space model:
The underlying continuous variable. In a practical implementation,
should be
the corresponding return series, in which case the model would be:
R with
But in work done up to this point we assume the more general case (often encountered in non financial settings) that the underlying continuous variable is not observed.
Observed past weekly rankings from time
k of currency
k . Including past rankings of other currencies as predictors for
yields a matrix of predictors that is non-invertable (
is implemented as a binary matrix with
as entries.
Matrix of weekly historic volatilities of all
J instruments
has thicker tails than the
distribution; thus the logistic is more appropriate for capturing the probability of extreme rankings 1 and 10, in our case.
Parameters to be estimated.
In the study I considered three approaches to modeling the state probabilities,
- Periodic Markov model
as a time-heterogeneous Markov chain of order
k , i.e, the transition probability of
conditional on the past, depends only on the
k previous states of
k . Though heterogeneous,
is modeled as a periodic function of time with period
k . This is approach was adopted by Menard et. al [3]. If it can be shown
has period
k and if we observed the data over
N consecutive periods with
being total number of observations, then
such that,
, and letting
) be response on week
s of period
n , then process
is a time homogeneous Markov chain and under condition that
for all
is ergodic. A time homogeneous, recurrent, and ergodic process has a limiting distribution. It follows that the MLEs are consistent and asymptotically normal and the likelihood ratio tests also have the desired asymptotic distribution see [3], [6].
- Non periodic proportional odds model
as a time heterogeneous Markov chain of order
k with no periodicity, ergodicity, or recurrence assumptions.
In this case, inference on the parameters
α ,
β ,
γ , is justified since the maximum partial likelihood estimators of the parameters are consistent and asymptotically normal under reasonable assumptions (see section 3.3.3 of [8]).