600 to 501 b.c.
In or close to this 6th century B.C. a number of religious geniuses appeared in the ancient world. Karl Jaspers has called this an "axial age"
As quoted in Reference
8 , page 72
. It was the period of Confucius and perhaps Lao-tz in China, of Gautama, the Buddha in India, of Zoraster in Iran, Pythagoras in Greece and of the greatest of the Hebrew prophets, Deutero-lsaiah (Isaiah 40 to 59). There was a movement towards a belief in a single spiritual reality, and the Greeks were searching for a single principle to explain the material world. One result of this was the development of monotheism.
Forward to 500 to 401 B.C.
Choose different region
Central and Northern Asia
The Far East
The Indian Subcontinent
The Near East