Bones like any other part of your body require proper care and can get diseased
in older people and malnourished children. Common bone problems includeRickets, Osteoporosis and arthritis.
- Childhood disease
- Delay in mineral (calcium phosphate) deposition to harden bones – soft
- causing characteristic bowed legs
- Caused by Vitamin D deficiency in the diet or when the body does not receive
enough sunlight as the body requires sunlight to make Vitamin D!
An X-ray picture of an adult who suffered from rickets as a child (
http://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/ASBMRed/diseases/rickets/rickets.html )
- Greek for “bones with holes”.
- Osteo –bone Porosis – Holes/Passages.
- Common in older people.
- When there is a shortage of calcium in the body or when a bone is inactive e.g
leg in plaster or imobilised, calcium is withdrawn from the leg for use inother parts of the body.. This together with a decrease in bone protein, will
result in an increased breakdown of bone tissue without an increase in depositof new bone by osteoblasts
and the development of holes in the bone ( hence the name of the disease
- Decrease in bone density which makes it weak and prone to fractures
- The most typical fractures are of the spine, wrist and hip.
- The most common form of arthritis affects the bone and is known as
- Commonly known as “wear-and-tear” arthritis.
- Degradation of the soft cartilage in joints between bones causes the end of the
bones to rub against each other which is painful!
Visualizing osteoarthritis:
Further reading on the web:
Types of arthritis: