Choose the correct answer for column A from column B (only one correct answer
per question)
Activity: classifying muscle types
Use the following story to classify the different muscle types. Use a coloured
pen or highlighter to underline or highlight the actions in the story whichrequire the different types of muscles
Suggested colours to use: Pink = Cardiac Muslces; Blue =Voluntary ; Yellow =
Then draw each structure in the space provided
6 a.m on a Monday morning Tsholo’s alarm goes off.
She jumps out of bed and walks to the toilet to relieve her bladder. Tsholo is
very excited for the day and skips back to her room to get dressed and pack herschool bag for the new week. In the kitchen mom has prepared Tsholo’s
favourite porridge –Mielie Meal *. Tsholo eats het porridge with greatpleasure. After breakfast, she brushes het teeth and skips to the car where she
waits for mom to unlock the doors.
At school Tsholo runs to her friends in total excitement to tell them about her
visit to her grandmother. While chatting she sees Tom - the boy she likes alot! He looks her way and Tsholo’s starts blushing. Her heart rate
increases and her palms become sweaty.
The bell rings.
Tsholo and her friends walk to class, giggling and talking. Her heart rate
slowly returns back to normal . The week has begun…
Draw and label the three different muscle types
Interesting facts – skeleton
A baby is born with more bones (360 bones) than an adult (average 206 bones).
Bones making up the skull and the spine fuse together as the body grows makingit less.
The femur/thigh bone is the largest in your body. The femur is approximately one
quarter of a person’s overall height.
Strengthen your skeleton by drinking milk and eating leafy greens (such as
brussels sprouts and kale). They contain calcium which keeps bones healthy andstrong.
A broken bone produces many new cells to rebuild the bone. These cells cover
both ends of the broken part of the bone and close up the break.
Your bones are alive! In your body bones have their own nerves and blood
Your bone is 50% water and 50% solid material
You have 14 bones are in your face.
There are 8 bones in each of your wrists
You have 23 bones in each foot ( this includes the ankle)
Your skull is made up of fused bones which acts like a hard protective helmet
for your brain.
Questions & Answers
1. Discuss the processes involved during exchange of fluids between intra and extracellular space.