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  • Describe simple and closed curves; define connected and simply connected regions.
  • Explain how to find a potential function for a conservative vector field.
  • Use the Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals to evaluate a line integral in a vector field.
  • Explain how to test a vector field to determine whether it is conservative.

In this section, we continue the study of conservative vector fields. We examine the Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals, which is a useful generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to line integrals of conservative vector fields. We also discover show how to test whether a given vector field is conservative, and determine how to build a potential function for a vector field known to be conservative.

Curves and regions

Before continuing our study of conservative vector fields, we need some geometric definitions. The theorems in the subsequent sections all rely on integrating over certain kinds of curves and regions, so we develop the definitions of those curves and regions here.

We first define two special kinds of curves: closed curves and simple curves. As we have learned, a closed curve is one that begins and ends at the same point. A simple curve is one that does not cross itself. A curve that is both closed and simple is a simple closed curve ( [link] ).


Curve C is a closed curve    if there is a parameterization r ( t ) , a t b of C such that the parameterization traverses the curve exactly once and r ( a ) = r ( b ) . Curve C is a simple curve    if C does not cross itself. That is, C is simple if there exists a parameterization r ( t ) , a t b of C such that r is one-to-one over ( a , b ) . It is possible for r ( a ) = r ( b ) , meaning that the simple curve is also closed.

An image showing eight curves and their types. The first curve is neither simple nor closed; it has two endpoints and crosses itself twice. The second curve is simple but not closed; it does not cross itself and has two endpoints. The third curve is closed but is not simple; it crosses itself a few times. The fourth is a simple closed curve; it does not cross itself and has no endpoints. The fifth is a simple, not closed curve; it does not cross itself, but it has endpoints. The sixth is a simple, closed curve; it does not cross itself and has no endpoints. The seventh is closed but not a simple curve; it crosses itself but has no endpoints. The last is not simple and not closed; it crosses itself and has endpoints.
Types of curves that are simple or not simple and closed or not closed.

Determining whether a curve is simple and closed

Is the curve with parameterization r ( t ) = cos t , sin ( 2 t ) 2 , 0 t 2 π a simple closed curve?

Note that r ( 0 ) = 1 , 0 = r ( 2 π ) ; therefore, the curve is closed. The curve is not simple, however. To see this, note that r ( π 2 ) = 0 , 0 = r ( 3 π 2 ) , and therefore the curve crosses itself at the origin ( [link] ).

A diagram in the (x,y) coordinate plane that shows a closed but not simple curve. It looks like a horizontal figure eight with the crossing point at the origin.
A curve that is closed but not simple.
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Is the curve given by parameterization r ( t ) = 2 cos t , 3 sin t , 0 t 6 π , a simple closed curve?


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Many of the theorems in this chapter relate an integral over a region to an integral over the boundary of the region, where the region’s boundary is a simple closed curve or a union of simple closed curves. To develop these theorems, we need two geometric definitions for regions: that of a connected region and that of a simply connected region. A connected region is one in which there is a path in the region that connects any two points that lie within that region. A simply connected region is a connected region that does not have any holes in it. These two notions, along with the notion of a simple closed curve, allow us to state several generalizations of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus later in the chapter. These two definitions are valid for regions in any number of dimensions, but we are only concerned with regions in two or three dimensions.

Questions & Answers

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Source:  OpenStax, Calculus volume 3. OpenStax CNX. Feb 05, 2016 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2
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