A description of the Huffman source encoding algorithm.
One particular
source coding algorithm is the Huffman encoding algorithm. It is a source coding
algorithm which approaches, and sometimes achieves, Shannon's bound forsource compression. A brief discussion of the algorithm is also given in
another module .
Huffman encoding algorithm
Sort source outputs in decreasing order of their probabilities
Merge the two least-probable outputs into a single output whose
probability is the sum of the corresponding probabilities.
If the number of remaining outputs is more than 2, then go to
step 1.
Arbitrarily assign 0 and 1 as codewords for the two remaining
If an output is the result of the merger of two outputs in a
preceding step, append the current codeword with a 0 and a 1 toobtain the codeword the the preceding outputs and repeat step 5. If
no output is preceded by another output in a preceding step, thenstop.
with probabilities {
. As you may recall, the entropy of the source was
In this case, the Huffman code achieves the lower bound of