- Introduction to business,
- Uprm business administration
- Value profile: responsibility
- Which model of responsibility works best for you, Esther's "circle of duty" model where one starts with one's immediate surroundings or Jellyby's "telescopic" model where one focuses on the distant. Start by considering what would be the strength and weaknesses of each.
- Do you believe Skimpole is sincere in his project of avoiding responsibility. What kind of actions or thinking could Skimpole show that would give the lie to his claim that "I am only a child"?
- Richard places all of his hopes and dreams on the resolution of the lawsuit that encircles all the characters of Bleak House. Do you think this project sustainable? How could such a commitment render one less responsible, that is, less capable of response to relevance?
- Dickens seems to imply by his portrait of Jellyby and Esther that one can either attend to one's immediate surroundings or one can focus, telescopically, on what is distant. Is this "disjunction" necessarily the case? Can you think of anyone who has managed to combine both perspectives? Can you think of anyone else like either Esther or Jellyby? How are they able to balance these poles of responsibility?
- Dickens takes exception to two themes embodied in the lawyer Tulkinghorn. First, Tulkinghorn reduces moral responsibility to legal responsibility? What do you think Dickens finds wrong with this. Second, for Tulkinghorn, the goal of legal responsibility is to maintain social order. Tulkinghorn's conception of social order is, in many respects, Medieval. He finds social order in every person's finding their station or social position, remaining loyal to that station, and performing its attendant duties. When someone rises above their station, Tulkinghorn feels it his duty to put them back in their place. What do you find wrong with this project? Do you think this problem endemic to responsibility or merely to Tulkinghorn's particular view of responsibility?
Teaching responsibility: pedagogical strategies or eliciting a sense of moral responsibility--seac 2013
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OpenStax, Introduction to business, management, and ethics. OpenStax CNX. Aug 14, 2016 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11959/1.4
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