Sometimes the evidence dealt with is not evidence for the hypothesized condition, but
for some condition which is stochastically related. For purposes of exposition, werefer to this intermediary condition as a
symptom . Consider again the
examples above.
Job success
Personal traits
Diagnostic test results
Presence of oil
Geological structures
Geophysical survey results
Operation of a device
Physical condition
Monitoring report
Market condition
Test market condition
Market survey result
Presence of a disease
Physical symptom
Test for symptom
We let
S be the event the symptom is present. The usual case is that the
evidence is directly related to the symptom and not the hypothesized condition.The diagnostic test results can say something about an applicant's personal
traits, but cannot deal directly with the hypothesized condition. The testresults would be the same whether or not the candidate is successful in the
job (he or she does not have the job yet). A geophysical survey deals withcertain structural features beneath the surface. If a fault or a salt dome
is present, the geophysical results are the same whether or not there is oilpresent. The physical monitoring report deals with certain physical characteristics.
Its reading is the same whether or not the device will fail. A market surveytreats only the condition in the test market. The results depend upon the
test market, not the national market. A blood test may be for certainphysical conditions which frequently are related (at least statistically) to
the disease. But the result of the blood test for the physical conditionis not directly affected by the presence or absence of the disease.
Under conditions of this type, we may assume
These imply
. Now
It is worth noting that each term in the denominator differs from the corresponding
term in the numerator by having
c in place of
H . Before completing the analysis,
it is necessary to consider how
H and
S are related stochastically in the data. Four
cases may be considered.
Data are
, and
Data are
, and
Data are
, and
Data are
, and
Geophysical survey
H be the event of a successful oil well,
S be the event there is a geophysical
structure favorable to the presence of oil, and
E be the event the geophysical survey
indicates a favorable structure. We suppose
. Data
The geophysical result moved the prior odds of 3/1 to posterior odds of 8.6/1, with acorresponding change of probabilities from 0.75 to 0.90.
Data are
. and
. If we can determine
, we can proceed as in case a. Now by the law of total probability
which may be solved algebraically to give
Geophysical survey revisited
In many cases a better estimate of
or the odds
can be made on the
basis of previous geophysical data. Suppose the prior odds for
S are 3/1, so that
. Using the other data in
[link] , we have
Usually data relating test results to symptom are of the form
, or
equivalent. Data relating the symptom and the hypothesized condition may go either way. Incases a and b, the data are in the form
, or equivalent, derived
from data showing the fraction of times the symptom is noted when the hypothesizedcondition is identified. But these data may go in the opposite direction, yielding
, or equivalent. This is the situation in cases c and d.
Data are
Evidence for a disease symptom with prior
When a certain blood syndrome is observed, a given disease is indicated 93 percent of
the time. The disease is found without this syndrome only three percent of the time. Atest for the syndrome has probability 0.03 of a false positive and 0.05 of a false
negative. A preliminary examination indicates a probability 0.30 that a patienthas the syndrome. A test is performed; the result is negative. What is the
probability the patient has the disease?
This differs from case c only in the fact that a prior probability for
H is assumed. In
this case, we determine the corresponding probability for
S by
and use the pattern of case c.
Evidence for a disease symptom with prior
Suppose for the patient in
[link] the physician estimates the odds favoring
the presence of the disease are 1/3, so that
. Again, the test
result is negative. Determine the posterior odds, given
c .
First we determine
The result of the test drops the prior odds of 1/3 to approximately 1/21.