First we treat filter design for interpolation.
Consider an input signal
that is
-bandlimited in the DTFT domain.
If we upsample by factor
to get
, the desired portion of
is the spectrum in
while the undesired portion is the remainder of
Noting from
has zero energy in the regions
the anti-imaging filter can be designed with transition bands in
these regions (rather than passbands or stopbands). For a givennumber of taps, the additional degrees of freedom offered by
these transition bands allows for better responses in thepassbands and stopbands. The resulting filter design
specifications are shown in the
bottom subplot below .
Next we treat filter design for decimation. Say that the
desired spectral component of the input
signal is bandlimited to
and we have decided to downsample by
The goal is to minimally distort the input spectrum over
i.e. , the post-decimation
spectrum over
Thus, we must not allow any aliased signals to enter
To allow for extra degrees of freedom in the filter design,we
do allow aliasing to enter the
post-decimation spectrum outside of
Since the input spectral regions which alias outside of
are given by
(as shown in
), we can
treat these regions as transition bands in the filter design.The resulting filter design specifications are illustrated in
the middle subplot (
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