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( heat equation in two dimensions)
( wave equation in two dimensions)
( Laplace’s equation in two dimensions)
In the first two equations, the unknown function has three independent variables— —and is an arbitrary constant. The independent variables are considered to be spatial variables, and the variable represents time. In Laplace’s equation, the unknown function has two independent variables
Verify that
is a solution to the wave equation
First, we calculate and
Next, we substitute each of these into the right-hand side of [link] and simplify:
This verifies the solution.
Verify that is a solution to the heat equation
Since the solution to the two-dimensional heat equation is a function of three variables, it is not easy to create a visual representation of the solution. We can graph the solution for fixed values of t , which amounts to snapshots of the heat distributions at fixed times. These snapshots show how the heat is distributed over a two-dimensional surface as time progresses. The graph of the preceding solution at time appears in the following figure. As time progresses, the extremes level out, approaching zero as t approaches infinity.
If we consider the heat equation in one dimension, then it is possible to graph the solution over time. The heat equation in one dimension becomes
where represents the thermal diffusivity of the material in question. A solution of this differential equation can be written in the form
where is any positive integer. A graph of this solution using appears in [link] , where the initial temperature distribution over a wire of length is given by Notice that as time progresses, the wire cools off. This is seen because, from left to right, the highest temperature (which occurs in the middle of the wire) decreases and changes color from red to blue.
During the late 1800s, the scientists of the new field of geology were coming to the conclusion that Earth must be “millions and millions” of years old. At about the same time, Charles Darwin had published his treatise on evolution. Darwin’s view was that evolution needed many millions of years to take place, and he made a bold claim that the Weald chalk fields, where important fossils were found, were the result of million years of erosion.
At that time, eminent physicist William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) used an important partial differential equation, known as the heat diffusion equation , to estimate the age of Earth by determining how long it would take Earth to cool from molten rock to what we had at that time. His conclusion was a range of million years, but most likely about million years. For many decades, the proclamations of this irrefutable icon of science did not sit well with geologists or with Darwin.
Read Kelvin’s paper on estimating the age of the Earth.
Kelvin made reasonable assumptions based on what was known in his time, but he also made several assumptions that turned out to be wrong. One incorrect assumption was that Earth is solid and that the cooling was therefore via conduction only, hence justifying the use of the diffusion equation. But the most serious error was a forgivable one—omission of the fact that Earth contains radioactive elements that continually supply heat beneath Earth’s mantle. The discovery of radioactivity came near the end of Kelvin’s life and he acknowledged that his calculation would have to be modified.
Kelvin used the simple one-dimensional model applied only to Earth’s outer shell, and derived the age from graphs and the roughly known temperature gradient near Earth’s surface. Let’s take a look at a more appropriate version of the diffusion equation in radial coordinates, which has the form
Here, is temperature as a function of (measured from the center of Earth) and time is the heat conductivity—for molten rock, in this case. The standard method of solving such a partial differential equation is by separation of variables, where we express the solution as the product of functions containing each variable separately. In this case, we would write the temperature as
Note how the values of come from the boundary condition applied in part b. The term is the constant for each term in the series, determined from applying the Fourier method. Letting examine the first few terms of this solution shown here and note how in the exponential causes the higher terms to decrease quickly as time progresses:
Near time many terms of the solution are needed for accuracy. Inserting values for the conductivity and for time approaching merely thousands of years, only the first few terms make a significant contribution. Kelvin only needed to look at the solution near Earth’s surface ( [link] ) and, after a long time, determine what time best yielded the estimated temperature gradient known during his era increase per He simply chose a range of times with a gradient close to this value. In [link] , the solutions are plotted and scaled, with the surface temperature added. Note that the center of Earth would be relatively cool. At the time, it was thought Earth must be solid.
On May physicist Ernest Rutherford spoke at the Royal Institution to announce a revised calculation that included the contribution of radioactivity as a source of Earth’s heat. In Rutherford’s own words:
“I came into the room, which was half-dark, and presently spotted Lord Kelvin in the audience, and realised that I was in for trouble at the last part of my speech dealing with the age of the Earth, where my views conflicted with his. To my relief, Kelvin fell fast asleep, but as I came to the important point, I saw the old bird sit up, open an eye and cock a baleful glance at me.
Then a sudden inspiration came, and I said Lord Kelvin had limited the age of the Earth, provided no new source [ of heat ] was discovered . That prophetic utterance referred to what we are now considering tonight, radium! Behold! The old boy beamed upon me.”
Rutherford calculated an age for Earth of about million years. Today’s accepted value of Earth’s age is about billion years.
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