1. Does not meet expectations.(1 each) |
- Minimal completion of task and /or responses frequently inappropriate.
- Responses barely comprehensible.
- Pronunciation frequently interferes with communication.
- Inadequate and /or inaccurate use of vocabulary.
- Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of basic language structures.
2. Almost meets expectations.(2 each) |
- Partial completion of the task, responses mostly appropriate yet underdeveloped.
- Responses mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation on the part of the listener.
- Speech choppy and /or slow with frequent pauses, few or no incomplete thoughts.
- Pronunciation occasionally interferes with communication.
- Somewhat inadequate and/or incorrect use of vocabulary. Emerging use of basic language structures.
3. Meets expectations.(3 each) |
- Completion of task, responses appropriate and adequately developed.
- Responses comprehensible, need minimal interpretation on the part of the listener.
- Some hesitation, but manages to continue and complete thoughts.
- Pronunciation does not interfere with communication. Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary.
- Emerging control of basic language structures.
4. Exceeds expectations.(4 each) |
- Superior completion of task, responses appropriate and with elaboration.
- Responses readily comprehensible, needs no interpretation on the part of the listener.
- Pronunciation enhances communication.
- Rich use of vocabulary.
- Control of basic language structures.