- Aardrykskunde graad 7
- Kwartaal 4
- Die lees, ontleding en vertolking
Sosiale wetenskappe: aardrykskunde
Graad 7
Module 11
Die lees, ontleding en vertolking van vertikale lugfoto’s en ortofotokaarte
- Voordat van julle verwag kan word om vertikale lugfoto’s en ortofotokaarte verder te interpreteer, het julle heelwat meer inligting hieroor nodig.
Vertikale lugfoto van ‘n gebied word vanuit ‘n vliegtuig reg van bo-af geneem.
- Die meeste voorwerpe is sigbaar;
- Die uitleg van paaie en spoorlyne is duidelik sigbaar;
- Hoë bome, berge en geboue word maklik herken aan die skaduwees wat hulle gooi.
- Die beeld wat jy sien, is van bo-af en dus ongewoon vir die mens. Dis ‘n ongewone gesigshoek wat baie oefening, kennis en ondervinding vereis om te kan lees.
- Dit is in swart en wit en kan verwarrend wees.
Vertikale lugfoto’s word as basis gebruik wanneer topografiese kaarte geteken word. Inligting van die lugfoto word deur kartograwe (mense wat opgelei is om akkurate kaarte te teken) oorgedra op papier deur gebruik te maak van die internasionale simboolsleutel en kleure waarvan julle reeds geleer het.
- Vandag is
ortofotokaarte baie gewild vir kaartbestudering. Die eienskappe van die 1:50 000 topografiese kaart en dié van die vertikale lugfoto word gekombineer om ‘n ortofotokaart te teken.
‘n Ortofotokaart is dus ‘n vertikale lugfoto op ‘n laer vlak van 1:10 000, waarop kontoerlyne ingeteken is .
- Kontoer-tussenruimtes van 5 meter word gebruik sodat baie fyn detail sigbaar is. Selfs sekere plekname, spoorlyne, paaie, ens., word op die foto gedruk. ‘n Mens kan dus die voorwerpe makliker identifiseer. Kaarte en foto’s het dus elkeen hulle besondere kenmerke, voordele en nadele. ‘n Mens kan eintlik net ‘n duidelike voorstelling van ‘n landskap vorm wanneer jy ‘n topografiese kaart en ‘n foto saam bestudeer.
- ‘n
Topografiese kaart is ‘n voorstelling van die aardoppervlakte volgens skaal en aan die hand van ‘n simboolsleutel. Dit gee ‘n duidelike, vereenvoudigde beeld waarop slegs bepaalde kenmerke getoon word. ‘n Topografiese kaart is dus nie altyd heeltemal akkuraat nie en kan ook verouderd wees.
- ‘n Vertikale lugfoto en ortofotokaart is wonderlike hulpmiddels as dit saam met ‘n topografiese kaart gebruik word. Alleenlik dan kan noukeurige kaart- en fotolesings gedoen word.
1. Hoe kyk ‘n mens na ‘n vertikale lugfoto of ortofotokaart?
As die skaal van die lugfoto bereken is, kan die lengte van voorwerpe bepaal word en afstand en oppervlaktes kan bereken word. ‘n Roostervormige dorpsnedersetting se oppervlakte kan byvoorbeeld so bepaal word.
Mensgemaakte verskynsels is oor die algemeen reëlmatig. Dink hier maar aan geboue, omgeploegde landerye, paaie, spoorlyne en damwalle.
Natuurlike voorwerpe en verskynsels is weer onreëlmatig, soos berge, riviere, woude en grasvelde.
Paaie is breë, liggrys lyne op ‘n foto. Nasionale paaie is gewoonlik reguit en sonder skerp draaie. Sekondêre paaie vertoon smaller en vertoon skerp draaie. Spoorlyne vertoon as smal, donkerder grys lyne met egalige draaie. Paaie sluit dikwels reghoekig bymekaar aan, terwyl spoorlyne geleidelik ineen loop.
Riviere is breë, donkergrys lyne, met kurwes en draaie soos die rivier deur ‘n area kronkel en sytakke by die hoofstroom aansluit. Die V-vorm van ‘n sytak-aansluiting wys ALTYD stroom-af en so kan die vloeirigting bepaal word.
- Die tint of skakering van voorwerpe
Questions & Answers
what does the ideal gas law states
Three charges q_{1}=+3\mu C, q_{2}=+6\mu C and q_{3}=+8\mu C are located at (2,0)m (0,0)m and (0,3) coordinates respectively. Find the magnitude and direction acted upon q_{2} by the two other charges.Draw the correct graphical illustration of the problem above showing the direction of all forces.
To solve this problem, we need to first find the net force acting on charge q_{2}. The magnitude of the force exerted by q_{1} on q_{2} is given by F=\frac{kq_{1}q_{2}}{r^{2}} where k is the Coulomb constant, q_{1} and q_{2} are the charges of the particles, and r is the distance between them.
What is the direction and net electric force on q_{1}= 5µC located at (0,4)r due to charges q_{2}=7mu located at (0,0)m and q_{3}=3\mu C located at (4,0)m?
what is the change in momentum of a body?
Capacitor is a separation of opposite charges using an insulator of very small dimension between them. Capacitor is used for allowing an AC (alternating current) to pass while a DC (direct current) is blocked.
A motor travelling at 72km/m on sighting a stop sign applying the breaks such that under constant deaccelerate in the meters of 50 metres what is the magnitude of the accelerate
What is Thermodynamics
velocity can be 72 km/h in question. 72 km/h=20 m/s, v^2=2.a.x , 20^2=2.a.50, a=4 m/s^2.
A boat travels due east at a speed of 40meter per seconds across a river flowing due south at 30meter per seconds. what is the resultant speed of the boat
50 m/s due south east
which has a higher temperature, 1cup of boiling water or 1teapot of boiling water which can transfer more heat 1cup of boiling water or 1 teapot of boiling water explain your . answer
I believe temperature being an intensive property does not change for any amount of boiling water whereas heat being an extensive property changes with amount/size of the system.
temperature for any amount of water to boil at ntp is 100⁰C (it is a state function and and intensive property) and it depends both will give same amount of heat because the surface available for heat transfer is greater in case of the kettle as well as the heat stored in it but if you talk.....
about the amount of heat stored in the system then in that case since the mass of water in the kettle is greater so more energy is required to raise the temperature b/c more molecules of water are present in the kettle
physics, biology and chemistry
this is my Field
field is a region of space under the influence of some physical properties
what is ogarnic chemistry
determine the slope giving that 3y+ 2x-14=0
Another formula for Acceleration
pratica A on solution of hydro chloric acid,B is a solution containing 0.5000 mole ofsodium chlorid per dm³,put A in the burret and titrate 20.00 or 25.00cm³ portion of B using melting orange as the indicator. record the deside of your burret tabulate the burret reading and calculate the average volume of acid used?
how do lnternal energy measures
Two bodies attract each other electrically. Do they both have to be charged? Answer the same question if the bodies repel one another.
No. According to Isac Newtons law. this two bodies maybe you and the wall beside you.
Attracting depends on the mass och each body and distance between them.
Are you really asking if two bodies have to be charged to be influenced by Coulombs Law?
like charges repel while unlike charges atttact
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OpenStax, Aardrykskunde graad 7. OpenStax CNX. Sep 09, 2009 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11020/1.1
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