Neyman-pearson criterion
Situations occur frequently where assigning or measuring the
a priori probabilities
is unreasonable. For example, just what is the
a priori probability of a supernova
occurring in any particular region of the sky? We clearlyneed a model evaluation procedure which can function without
a priori probabilities. This kind of test
results when the so-called Neyman-Pearson criterion is used toderive the decision rule. The ideas behind and decision rules
derived with the Neyman-Pearson criterion (
Neyman and Pearson ) will serve us
well in sequel; their result is important!
Using nomenclature from radar, where model
represents the presence of a target and
its absence, the various types of correct and
incorrect decisions have the following names (
Woodward, pp. 127-129 ).
In hypothesis testing, a false-alarm is known
as a
type I error and a miss a
type II
error .
we say it's there when it is;
we say it's there when it's not;
we say it's not there when it is;
The remaining probability
has historically been left nameless and equals
. We should also note that the detection and miss
probabilities are related by
. As these are conditional probabilities, they do
not depend on the
a priori probabilities
and the two probabilities
characterize the errors when
any decision rule is used.
These two probabilities are related to each other in an
interesting way. Expressing these quantities in terms of thedecision regions and the likelihood functions, we have
As the region
both of these
probabilities tend toward zero; as
expands to engulf the entire range of observation
values, they both tend toward unity. This rather directrelationship between
does not mean that they equal each other;
in most cases, as
increases more rapidly than
(we had better be right more often than we are
wrong!). However, the "ultimate" situation where a rule isalways right and never wrong
) cannot occur when the conditional distributions
overlap. Thus, to increase the detection probability we mustalso allow the false-alarm probability to increase. This
behavior represents the fundamental tradeoff in hypothesistesting and detection theory.
One can attempt to impose a performance criterion that depends
only on these probabilities with the consequent decision rulenot depending on the
a priori probabilities. The Neyman-Pearson criterion assumes that the
false-alarm probability is constrained to be less than orequal to a specified value
while we attempt to maximize the detection
A subtlety of the succeeding solution is that the
underlying probability distribution functions may not becontinuous, with the result that
can never equal the constraining value
. Furthermore, an (unlikely) possibility is that the
optimum value for the false-alarm probability is somewhat lessthan the criterion value. Assume, therefore, that we rephrase
the optimization problem by requiring that the false-alarmprobability equal a value
that is less than or equal to