How do you think the girl in the first square feels? Sad, happy, sleepy, afraid or cross? Why do you say so? What makes you feel the same way?
What makes you happy?
What makes you cross and what do you do if you are very cross? How do you know when Mom is very cross and how does it make you feel?
Is there anything which you are very afraid of and what do you do when you are very much afraid?
How do you know when somebody is very sleepy?
Which feeling do you like best and why?
How do you feel about your brothers and sisters in your family? Whom do you like most?
How do you feel when somebody teases you or hides your possessions? How do you handle it?
Would you rather play with one friend or in a group?
Ask some learners to demonstrate emotions, while the others guess what they demonstrate.
Discuss the above-mentioned emotions and the handling thereof.
Logical thinking and reasoning
Creative Thinking
Link the faces that express the same emotion.
Life Skills LO : 3.3
Closed questions
Why can’t we see the pipes through which water comes to our homes?
Is life possible without water?
Where do ice-cubes come from?
Do you think ice-cubes will sink or float in a glass of water? (Demonstrate)
Open-ended questions
How does water reach our homes?
Where does our water come from?
Not all people have water in their houses – where do they get water?
Can water also be dangerous? Give examples, like fog, boiling water, steam, floods.
Name animals that live in water.
Which different forms does water take on? (Characteristics of water).
Demonstrate evaporation: place a saucer with water outside on a warm day. Notice how the water gets less as a result of evaporation caused by the sun.
Demonstrate condensation: on a cold day, blow your warm breath against the glass window. Notice that vapour (small drops) forms on the glass. This also happens in your bathroom in winter when you run the bath with hot water – small drops will form on the tiles.
Use different objects (such as a sponge, peg, key) to demonstrate sinking and floating in a bowl of water.
Demonstrate solution (let a learner demonstrate the experiment for the class): Solve a teaspoonful of salt in one cup of water and a teaspoonful of sugar in another. Pour the salt water and the sugar water into two different flat bowls and leave it so that the water can evaporate. What remains in the bowls? Also use flour to see if it will solve in water.
Look at the pictures and say how water is used in each of them.
Open-ended questions
Name other uses of water in the kitchen.
What do you do with water at home?
Why is it so important that we must use only clean water for drinking and cooking?
If the water is not clean, what can we do to make it fit for use?
What can be transported on water?
In which ways is water used for sport and recreation?
Where else in nature do we find water?
Draw a red circle round the fish that are hiding in the pictures.
Local Thinking and Reasoning
Creative Thinking
Life Skills LO : 1.1
Look at the following pictures. Can you see what is wrong? What can be done in each picture to prevent the wasting of water?
Open-ended questions
Why is it necessary to save water?
What will happen if our reservoirs and rivers run dry?
Do you think it is necessary to save water after the raining season (when water is abundant)? Why?
Where else can you help to save water or prevent the wasting of water?
Colour the picture where water is not being wasted.