Steps for making the product _______________through a simple process flow chart.
The functions of a process flow chart are:
to separate actions in a process;
to arrange the different actions in a logical order.
Every type of activity is described by a frame or block with a specific shape.
Write the different stages by making sentences with each action, material and tool that you’ve used. Use only one action in a frame.
Start/End block
Process block
Decision block (yes/no)
Learner 3: instructions for making the container
Place the template (on graph paper) , the carbon copy-paper and the A4-cardboard on top of each other in the same order. Staple them together with a stapler so that the pages do not shift when you start copying.
Answer the following questions about your container:
How many sides does it have?
How many pairs does it have of equal size?
How many edges does it have?
How many corners does it have?
How many flaps does it have?
How many pairs of flaps of equal size does it have?
Using a HB-pencil and a ruler, copy the 2D-form on the cardboard. First draw the straight lines and then the dotted lines. Check if all of them have been drawn.
Remove the staples and cut out the 2 D-shape along the uninterrupted lines.
Notch the dotted lines on the side with the carbon copy markings, using scissors and a ruler. Work on a suitable surface; practise first so that you do not make the notches too deep.
Fold on the dotted lines, using a ruler.
Apply the tessellation design with a pencil and your favourite template on the back and sides of the right side of your container. Colour the pattern in and draw the lines with a black pen/ fine-liner.
Complete the lid of the container (name, soldering, light source, questions) according to your final design.
Apply wood glue to the flaps and model the 3D-container. Hold firmly in position so that the container can dry properly. (Do not use too much wood glue. The surface must just be slightly sticky.)
Put the electric circuit in the container. Make two holes in one side where the connections should come through.