- Promising practices in online
- Getting organized
- Selected faculty competencies
This module lists a number of competencies that should be mastered over time by distance educators.
at TWU.
Selected faculty competencies
Competencies you should possess include (but are not limited to):
- Posting an announcement
- Sending email within the system to one student or all students
- Establishing discussion forums
- Posting responses or moderating discussion forums
- Setting up groups
- Uploading content
- Managing students' assignments
- Designing exams
- Developing question pools
- Grading assignments and quiz submissions
- Resetting student exams
- Setting points for assignments and quizzes
- Sorting and filtering the course gradebook
- Enabling various settings in your course
- Tracking student progress
- Making your course available or unavailable
- Copying select content from course to course
- Archiving your course
Special thanks to Larry Ragan from Penn State for the idea to include faculty competencies in a course for online faculty development.
OpenStax, Promising practices in online teaching and learning. OpenStax CNX. Aug 11, 2008 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10559/1.2
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