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Descriptive Statistics: Homework is part of the collection col10555 written by Barbara Illowsky and Susan Dean and provides homework questions related to lessons about descriptive statistics.

The table contains real data from Santa Clara County, CA. As of a certain time, there had been a total of 3059 documented cases of AIDS in the county. They were grouped into the following categories as indicated on the table below. (Source: Santa Clara County Public H.D.) Research Question: Is there a difference between males and females with respect to engaging in one of the following activities (homosexual/Bisexual Contact, IV Drug User, Heterosexual Contact, Other) and then developing AIDS? Based on the above research question determine if row percentages or column percentages would be most appropriate for determining a relationship between variables. Next use your percentages to determine if there is a relationship or if the variables are independent.

Documented cases of aids
Documented Cases of Aids
Homosexual/ Bisexual Contact IV Drug User* Heterosexual Contact Other TOTALS
Female 0 70 136 49
Male 2146 463 60 13

Row percentages, and yes, there is a relationship between gender and the particular behaviors related to AIDS.

The table identifies a group of children by one of four hair colors, and by type of hair.Based on the following research question determine if row percentages or column percentages would be most appropriate for determining a relationship between variables. Next use your percentages to determine if there is a relationship or if the variables are independent. Is there a difference between different hair colors with respect to whether hair is wavy or straight?

Hair color: straight of wavy
Hair Type Brown Blonde Black Red TOTALS
Wavy 20 5 15 3
Straight 80 15 65 12

Column percentages and based on this chart there is a independent relationship between hair color and type of hair.

A previous year, the weights of the members of the San Francisco 49ers and the Dallas Cowboys were published in the San Jose Mercury News. The factual data are compiled into the attached table. Based on the following research question determine if row percentages or column percentages would be most appropriate for determining a relationship between variables. Next use your percentages to determine if there is a relationship or if the variables are independent. Is there a relationship between weight brackets of players and their shirt number?

Weight vs. shirt number
Shirt # ≤ 210 211-250 251-290 ≥290 TOTALS
1-33 21 5 0 0
34-66 6 18 7 4
66-99 6 12 22 5

Column percentages and based on the chart, there is a dependent relationship between shirt numbers and weight brackets.

The chart attached gives the number of suicides estimated in the U.S. for a recent year by age, race (black or white), and sex. Based on the following research question determine if row percentages or column percentages would be most appropriate for determining a relationship between variables. Next use your percentages to determine if there is a relationship or if the variables are independent. Is there a difference between race and sex with respect to the age of suicide?

Suicide and sex/race
Race and Sex 1-14 15-24 25-64 0ver 64 TOTALS
white, male 210 3360 13,610 4870
white, female 80 580 3380 890
black, male 10 460 1060 140
black, female 0 40 270 20
all others 10 210 460 100

Row percentages and yes there is a dependent relationship between age of suicide when looking at race and sex.

Questions & Answers

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Source:  OpenStax, Collaborative statistics using spreadsheets. OpenStax CNX. Jan 05, 2016 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11521/1.23
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