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Learning objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Understand the rules of vector addition and subtraction using analytical methods.
  • Apply analytical methods to determine vertical and horizontal component vectors.
  • Apply analytical methods to determine the magnitude and direction of a resultant vector.

The information presented in this section supports the following AP® learning objectives and science practices:

  • 3.A.1.1 The student is able to express the motion of an object using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations. (S.P. 1.5, 2.1, 2.2)

Analytical methods of vector addition and subtraction employ geometry and simple trigonometry rather than the ruler and protractor of graphical methods. Part of the graphical technique is retained, because vectors are still represented by arrows for easy visualization. However, analytical methods are more concise, accurate, and precise than graphical methods, which are limited by the accuracy with which a drawing can be made. Analytical methods are limited only by the accuracy and precision with which physical quantities are known.

Resolving a vector into perpendicular components

Analytical techniques and right triangles go hand-in-hand in physics because (among other things) motions along perpendicular directions are independent. We very often need to separate a vector into perpendicular components. For example, given a vector like A size 12{A} {} in [link] , we may wish to find which two perpendicular vectors, A x size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } } {} and A y size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } } {} , add to produce it.

In the given figure a dotted vector A sub x is drawn from the origin along the x axis. From the head of the vector A sub x another vector A sub y is drawn in the upward direction. Their resultant vector A is drawn from the tail of the vector A sub x to the head of the vector A sub y at an angle theta from the x axis. On the graph a vector A, inclined at an angle theta with x axis is shown. Therefore vector A is the sum of the vectors A sub x and A sub y.
The vector A size 12{A} {} , with its tail at the origin of an x , y -coordinate system, is shown together with its x - and y -components, A x size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } } {} and A y size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } } {} . These vectors form a right triangle. The analytical relationships among these vectors are summarized below.

A x size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } } {} and A y size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } } {} are defined to be the components of A size 12{A} {} along the x - and y -axes. The three vectors A size 12{A} {} , A x size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } } {} , and A y size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } } {} form a right triangle:

A x  + A y  = A . size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } bold " + A" rSub { size 8{y} } bold " = A."} {}

Note that this relationship between vector components and the resultant vector holds only for vector quantities (which include both magnitude and direction). The relationship does not apply for the magnitudes alone. For example, if A x = 3 m size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } } {} east, A y = 4 m size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } } {} north, and A = 5 m size 12{A} {} north-east, then it is true that the vectors A x  + A y  = A size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } bold " + A" rSub { size 8{y} } bold " = A"} {} . However, it is not true that the sum of the magnitudes of the vectors is also equal. That is,

3 m + 4 m   5 m alignl { stack { size 12{"3 M + 4 M "<>" 5 M"} {} # {}} } {}


A x + A y A size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } +A rSub { size 8{y} }<>A} {}

If the vector A size 12{A} {} is known, then its magnitude A size 12{A} {} (its length) and its angle θ size 12{θ} {} (its direction) are known. To find A x size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } } {} and A y size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } } {} , its x - and y -components, we use the following relationships for a right triangle.

A x = A cos θ size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } =A"cos"θ} {}


A y = A sin θ . size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } =A"sin"θ"."} {}
]A dotted vector A sub x whose magnitude is equal to A cosine theta is drawn from the origin along the x axis. From the head of the vector A sub x another vector A sub y whose magnitude is equal to A sine theta is drawn in the upward direction. Their resultant vector A is drawn from the tail of the vector A sub x to the head of the vector A-y at an angle theta from the x axis. Therefore vector A is the sum of the vectors A sub x and A sub y.
The magnitudes of the vector components A x size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } } {} and A y size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } } {} can be related to the resultant vector A size 12{A} {} and the angle θ size 12{θ} {} with trigonometric identities. Here we see that A x = A cos θ size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } =A"cos"θ} {} and A y = A sin θ size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } =A"sin"θ} {} .

Suppose, for example, that A size 12{A} {} is the vector representing the total displacement of the person walking in a city considered in Kinematics in Two Dimensions: An Introduction and Vector Addition and Subtraction: Graphical Methods .

In the given figure a vector A of magnitude ten point three blocks is inclined at an angle twenty nine point one degrees to the positive x axis. The horizontal component A sub x of vector A is equal to A cosine theta which is equal to ten point three blocks multiplied to cosine twenty nine point one degrees which is equal to nine blocks east. Also the vertical component A sub y of vector A is equal to A sin theta is equal to ten point three blocks multiplied to sine twenty nine point one degrees,  which is equal to five point zero blocks north.
We can use the relationships A x = A cos θ size 12{A rSub { size 8{x} } =A"cos"θ} {} and A y = A sin θ size 12{A rSub { size 8{y} } =A"sin"θ} {} to determine the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical component vectors in this example.

Questions & Answers

if three forces F1.f2 .f3 act at a point on a Cartesian plane in the daigram .....so if the question says write down the x and y components ..... I really don't understand
Syamthanda Reply
hey , can you please explain oxidation reaction & redox ?
Boitumelo Reply
hey , can you please explain oxidation reaction and redox ?
for grade 12 or grade 11?
the value of V1 and V2
Tumelo Reply
advantages of electrons in a circuit
Rethabile Reply
we're do you find electromagnetism past papers
what a normal force
Tholulwazi Reply
it is the force or component of the force that the surface exert on an object incontact with it and which acts perpendicular to the surface
what is physics?
Petrus Reply
what is the half reaction of Potassium and chlorine
Anna Reply
how to calculate coefficient of static friction
Lisa Reply
how to calculate static friction
How to calculate a current
how to calculate the magnitude of horizontal component of the applied force
How to calculate force
a structure of a thermocouple used to measure inner temperature
Anna Reply
a fixed gas of a mass is held at standard pressure temperature of 15 degrees Celsius .Calculate the temperature of the gas in Celsius if the pressure is changed to 2×10 to the power 4
Amahle Reply
How is energy being used in bonding?
Raymond Reply
what is acceleration
Syamthanda Reply
a rate of change in velocity of an object whith respect to time
how can we find the moment of torque of a circular object
Acceleration is a rate of change in velocity.
t =r×f
how to calculate tension by substitution
Precious Reply
use fnet method. how many obects are being calculated ?
khuthadzo hii
how to calculate acceleration and tension force
Lungile Reply
you use Fnet equals ma , newtoms second law formula
please help me with vectors in two dimensions
Mulaudzi Reply
how to calculate normal force
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Source:  OpenStax, Sample chapters: openstax college physics for ap® courses. OpenStax CNX. Oct 23, 2015 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11896/1.9
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