Observe that motion in two dimensions consists of horizontal and vertical components.
Understand the independence of horizontal and vertical vectors in two-dimensional motion.
The information presented in this section supports the following AP® learning objectives and science practices:
3.A.1.1 The student is able to express the motion of an object using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations.
(S.P. 1.5, 2.1, 2.2)
3.A.1.2 The student is able to design an experimental investigation of the motion of an object.
(S.P. 4.2)
3.A.1.3 The student is able to analyze experimental data describing the motion of an object and is able to express the results of the analysis using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations.
(S.P. 5.1)
Two-dimensional motion: walking in a city
Suppose you want to walk from one point to another in a city with uniform square blocks, as pictured in
[link] .
The straight-line path that a helicopter might fly is blocked to you as a pedestrian, and so you are forced to take a two-dimensional path, such as the one shown. You walk 14 blocks in all, 9 east followed by 5 north. What is the straight-line distance?
An old adage states that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The two legs of the trip and the straight-line path form a right triangle, and so the Pythagorean theorem,
, can be used to find the straight-line distance.
The hypotenuse of the triangle is the straight-line path, and so in this case its length in units of city blocks is
, considerably shorter than the 14 blocks you walked. (Note that we are using three significant figures in the answer. Although it appears that “9” and “5” have only one significant digit, they are discrete numbers. In this case “9 blocks” is the same as “9.0 or 9.00 blocks.” We have decided to use three significant figures in the answer in order to show the result more precisely.)
The fact that the straight-line distance (10.3 blocks) in
[link] is less than the total distance walked (14 blocks) is one example of a general characteristic of vectors. (Recall that
vectors are quantities that have both magnitude and direction.)
is it possible to leave every good at the same level
I don't think so. because check it, if the demand for chicken increases, people will no longer consume fish like they used to causing a fall in the demand for fish
is not really possible to let the value of a goods to be same at the same time.....
Suppose the inflation rate is 6%, does it mean that all the goods you purchase will cost
6% more than previous year? Provide with reasoning.
Not necessarily. To measure the inflation rate economists normally use an averaged price index of a basket of certain goods. So if you purchase goods included in the basket, you will notice that you pay 6% more, otherwise not necessarily.
Good day
How do I calculate this question: C= 100+5yd G= 2000 T= 2000 I(planned)=200.
Suppose the actual output is 3000. What is the level of planned expenditures at this level of output?
I am Camara from Guinea west Africa... happy to meet you guys here
ma management ho
ahile becheclor ho
hjr ktm bta ho
ani k kaam grnu hunxa tw
1st year ho
nd u
kaha biratnagar
kina k vo
money as unit of account means what?
A unit of account is something that can be used to value goods and services and make calculations
all of you please speak in English I can't understand you're language
I want to know how can we define macroeconomics in one line
it must be .9 or 0.9
no Mpc is greater than 1
Mercy is it clear?😋
hi can someone help me on this question
If a negative shocks shifts the IS curve to the left, what type of policy do you suggest so as to stabilize the level of output?
discuss your answer using appropriate graph.
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