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copy V:\ece320\idk\c6000\IDK\Examples\NTSC\img_proc
copy V:\ece320\idk\c6000\IDK\Drivers\include
copy V:\ece320\idk\c6000\IDK\Drivers\lib
After the IDK is powered on, open Code Composer 2 by clicking
on the "CCS 2" icon on the desktop. From the "Project" menu,select "Open," and then open
. You
should see a new icon appear at the menu on the left side ofthe Code Composer window with the label
. Double click on this icon to see a
list of folders. There should be a folder labeled "Source."Open this folder to see a list of program files.
program calls the
function that displays the output of
four image processing routines in four quadrants on themonitor. The other files are associated with the four image
processing routines. If you open the "Include" folder, youwill see a list of header files. To inspect the main program,
double click on the
icon. A window with
the C code will appear to the right.
Scroll down to the
in the
code. A few lines into this function, you
will see the line
. This line
prints a message to the message log, which can be useful fordebugging. Change the message "
" to
Your Name\n
" (the "
" is a
carriage return). Save the file by clicking the little floppydisk icon at the top left corner of the Code Composer window.
To compile all of the files when the "
" file
has not yet been generated, you need to use the "Rebuild All"command. The rebuild all command is accomplished by clicking
the button displaying three little red arrows pointing down ona rectangular box. This will compile every file the main.c
program uses. If you've only changed one file, you only needto do a "Incremental Build," which is accomplished by clicking
on the button with two little blue arrows pointing into a box(immediately to the left of the "Rebuild All" button). Click
the "Rebuild All" button to compile all of the code. A windowat the bottom of Code Composer will tell you the status of the
compiling (i.e., whether there were any errors or warnings).You might notice some warnings after compilation - don't worry
about these.
Click on the "DSP/BIOS" menu, and select "Message Log." A new
window should appear at the bottom of Code Composer. Assumingthe code has compiled correctly, select "File" -> "Load
Program" and load
(the same
procedure as on the other version of Code Composer). Nowselect "Debug" -> "Run" to run the program (if you have
problems, you may need to select "Debug" -> "Go Main" beforerunning). You should see image processing routines running on
the four quadrants of the monitor. The upper left quadrant(quadrant 0) displays a low pass filtered version of the
input. The low pass filter "passes" the detail in the image,and attenuates the smooth features, resulting in a "grainy"
image. The operation of the low pass filter code, and howdata is moved to and from the filtering routine, was described
in detail in the previous section. The lower left quadrant(quadrant 2) displays the output of an edge detection
algorithm. The top right and bottom right quadrants(quadrants 1 and 3, respectively), show the original input
displayed unprocessed. At this point, you should notice yourname displayed in the message log.
You will create the component code
to implement an algorithm that horizontally flips and inverts
the input image. The code in
operate on one line of the image at a time. The
wrapper will call
once for each row of the prescaled
input image. The
function call
should appear as follows:
flip_invert(in_data, out_data, cols);
pointers to the input and output buffers in internal memory,and
is the length of each column of the
prescaled image.
function should call the
wrapper so that the flipped and inverted
image appears in the top right (first) quadrant. The call to
is as follows:
out_img, out_ptr, pitch);
This call is commented out in the
The algorithm that copies the image (unprocessed) to thescreen is currently displayed in quadrant 1, so you will need
to comment out its call and replace it with the call tocopyim.
Your algorithm should flip the input picture horizontally, such that someone on the left side of the screen looking leftin quadrant 3 will appear on the right side of the screen looking right. This is similar to putting a slide in a slideprojector backwards. The algorithm should also invert the picture, so that something white appears black and vice versa.The inversion portion of the algorithm is like looking at the negative for a black and white picture. Thus, the totaleffect of your algorithm will be that of looking at the wrong side of the negative of a picture.
To create a new component file, write your code in a file
called "
". You may find the
component code for the low pass filter in"
" helpful in giving you an idea of
how to get started. To compile this code, you must include itin the "
" project, so that it appears as
an icon in Code Composer. To include your new file, rightclick on the "
" icon in the left
window of Code Composer, and select "Add Files."
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