More than being "poor countries" they are to be seen as "badly administered countries.” They used to have a standard of life better than that we, with a buoyant economy, or at least a promising future; now a days, they can hardly feed their inhabitants and are on the boundaries of poverty and misery. They have gone from "countries that are badly administrated” to “impoverished countries.” Significant examples of the present time are Equatorial Guinea in Africa, with half million inhabitants and another half million daily barrels of petroleum from marine research, and Ecuador, in America, where 60% of its budget is also covered by the income of petroleum coming from Ecuadorian Amazons.
The diminishing economic resources are due to numerable causes, in which we could include:
The corruption of its leaders
It is common that immigrants of those countries coincide that their leaders are corrupt: Ambitious politicians coming from the bottom; embezzlement of public funds, enrichment of the individual, of a few friends and relatives, or of their supporting party, unnecessary expenses on behalf of public property, all types of abuses, scorn of human rights of the population, creating a situation of distrust in which nobody believes in anybody. How many of those presidents are not accused of corruption? How many politicians have not been judged by this cause? How many of these leaders have not been associated with drug traffic or weapon contraband? How many have not fled the country with extreme amounts of money or have been discovered with bank accounts in fiscal paradises?
Delivery of expensive natural resources
It is certain that with a lack of means of technology and capital, it is necessary depend on foreign companies. These companies have imposed unfair contracts and established unreasonable concessions that cause serious damage to the countries where they have settled; no only related to resources, but also in areas of public service. Tens of oil, mining, and lumber companies are leaving these countries stripped. Many of them, at the moment, are in search of petroleum to prevent them from being dependant on the Persian Gulf by means of a system of new conquest and neocolonization that hardly differs from previous centuries.
The concentration of land in the hands of few
During an investigation performed in Colombia with the "empera" indigenous groups about why they had been pushed towards the worst part of their territory, I used the cadastre to see how the process of expulsion had taken place. After internal wars, much of the land, abandoned by farmers or of those who have been violently expelled, ended up at hands of an emergent class of landowners. Just ask the displaced what happened when they returned to reclaim there land. Lands that were occupied by natives, with a lack of documentation that their ancestors never had nor needed, have become property of great multinationals that expels the authentic owners without mercy. This is the first step to emigration from farms to cities.