When we need water, we simply open the tap. Have you ever wondered where the water in the tap comes from ?
Let’s take a trip with Walter Water Drop on his way to a tap.
Walter in the river on his way to the
From the storage dam, he travels along
to a municipal dam near a town or city.
Walter leaves the municipal dam through
a wide
and this pipe branches into
To help Walter on his way, you have to open the
Explain why a tap that is closed might still drip and therefore waste water.
Try to give three reasons why a disabled person, an older person or young children may find it difficult to turn a tap.
Let’s investigate:
Find out from where your town or city gets water.
Why are storage dams valuable? (give two reasons)
Also find out which large storage dam is in your vicinity.
Which large storage dam is on the Orange River?
What kind of dam provides water to towns and cities?
Which large dam supplies water to Johannesburg?
What is used to catch rain water that runs off roofs?
Which dam is near Paarl?
LEARNING OUTCOME 3: SCIENCE, SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENTThe learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships between science and technology, society and the environment.
3.2 understands the impact of Science and Technology.
Distribution Of Water
Walter: Water Drop’s trip to a tap
Rain falls to the earth from the clouds
Storage dam
a pipeline
pipe ... narrower pipes
A pipe can only leak from two places: from the rubber washer where the water flows out of the tap and from the packing where the flow is controlled.
He tap has not been closed properly
The washer may be cracked or be flattened
Grains of sand that damage the washer may have got into the casing of the tap.
If water leaks from the top of the tap, the nut on the upper turning shaft should be tightened.
g) 1. Their hands may be too small or too weak
Taps used by the public in public places should have long handles that are easy to turn.
The tap might be closed unnecessarily tightly.
Let’s investigate!
Why are storage dams valuable? (two reasons)
Water is available for domestic use at all times, even when rivers might run dry.