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Entity reference names and corresponding Unicode characters form the basis of mathematical content display.

The Unicode character set is arranged in the alphabetical order of corresponding entity reference names. We may use the characters like “β” directly (by copying and pasting the character) or may opt to reference them with entity reference as “&beta;” within the presentation token elements.

R rAarr race Racute Ŕ racute ŕ radic radic raemptyv Rang rang rangd range rangle raquo » rArr Rarr rarr rarrap rarrb rarrbfs rarrc rarrfs rarrhk rarrlp rarrpl rarrsim rarrtl Rarrtl rarrw ratail rAtail ratio rationals RBarr rbarr rBarr rbbrk rbrace } rbrack ] rbrke rbrksld rbrkslu Rcaron Ř rcaron ř Rcedil Ŗ rcedil ŗ rceil rcy р rcub } Rcy Р Rcedil Ŗ rdldhar rdquo rdquor rdsh Re real realine realpart reals rect reg ® ReverseElement ReverseEquilibrium ReverseUpEquilibrium rfisht rfloor Rfr rfr 𝔯 rHar rhard rharu rharul rho ρ rhov ϱ RightAngleBracket Rightarrow rightarrow RightArrow RightArrowBar RightArrowLeftArrow rightarrowtail RightCeiling RightDoubleBracket RightDownTeeVector RightDownVector RightDownVectorBar RightFloor rightharpoondown rightharpoonup rightleftarrows rightleftharpoons rightrightarrows rightsquigarrow RightTee RightTeeArrow RightTeeVector rightthreetimes RightTriangle RightTriangleBar RightTriangleEqual RightUpDownVector RightUpTeeVector RightUpVector RightUpVectorBar RightVector RightVectorBar ring ˚ risingdotseq rlarr rlhar rmoust rmoustache rnmid roang roarr robrk ropar Ropf ropf 𝕣 roplus rotimes RoundImplies rpar ) rpargt rppolint rrarr Rrightarrow Rscr rscr 𝓇 Rsh rsh rsqb ] rsquo rsquor rthree rtimes rtri rtrie rtrif rtriltri RuleDelayed ruluhar rx S sacute ś Sacute Ś sc Sc scap Scaron Š scaron š scaron š sce scE Scedil Ş scedil ş Scirc Ŝ scirc ŝ scnap scnE scnsim scpolint scsim scy с Scy С sdot sdotb sdote searhk searr seArr searrow sect § semi ; seswar setminus setmn sext sfr 𝔰 Sfr 𝔖 sharp shchcy щ SHCHcy Щ shcy ш SHcy Ш ShortDownArrow ⌄︀ ShortLeftArrow ←︀ shortmid ∣︀ shortparallel ∥︀ ShortRightArrow →︀ ShortUpArrow ⌃︀ shy ­ Sigma Σ sigma σ sigmav ς sim simdot sime simeq simg simgE siml simlE simne simplus simrarr slarr ←︀ SmallCircle smallsetminus ∖︀ smashp smeparsl smid ∣︀ smile smt smte smtes ⪬︀ softcy ь SOFTcy Ь sol / solb solbar sopf 𝕤 Sopf 𝕊 spades spadesuit spar ∥︀ sqcap sqcaps ⊓︀ sqcup sqcups ⊔︀ Sqrt sqsub sqsube sqsubset sqsubseteq sqsup sqsupe sqsupset sqsupseteq squ square Square SquareIntersection SquareSubset SquareSubsetEqual SquareSuperset SquareSupersetEqual SquareUnion squarf squf srarr →︀ sscr 𝓈 Sscr 𝒮 ssetmn ∖︀ sstarf Star star starf straightepsilon ε straightphi φ Sub sub subdot sube subE subedot submult subnE subne subplus ⪿ subrarr subset submult subseteq subseteqq SubsetEqual subsetneq subsetneqq subsim subsub subsup succ succapprox succcurlyeq Succeeds SucceedsEqual SucceedsSlantEqual SucceedsTilde succeq succnapprox succneqq succnsim succsim SuchThat Sum sum sung Sup sup sup1 ¹ sup2 ² sup3 ³ supdot supdsub supE supe supedot Superset SupersetEqual suphsol ⊃/ suphsub suplarr supmult supnE supne supplus Supset supset supseteq supseteqq supsetneq supsetneqq supsim supsub supsup swarhk swarr swArr swarrow swnwar T target tau τ tbrk tcaron ť Tcaron Ť Tab tcedil ţ Tcedil Ţ Tcy Т tcy т tdot telrec tfr 𝔱 Tfr 𝔗 there4 therefore Therefore theta θ Theta Θ thetav ϑ thickapprox ≈︀ thicksim ∼︀ ThickSpace     thinsp ThinSpace thkap ≈︀ thorn þ THORN Þ tilde ˜ Tilde TildeEqual TildeFullEqual TildeTilde times × timesb timesbar timesd tint toea top topbot topcir Topf 𝕋 topf 𝕥 topfork tosa tprime trade triangle triangledown triangleleft trianglelefteq triangleq triangleright trianglerighteq tridot trie triminus TripleDot triplus trisb tritime Tscr 𝒯 tscr 𝓉 tscy ц TScy Ц tshcy ћ TSHcy Ћ Tstrok Ŧ tstrok ŧ twixt twoheadleftarrow U Uacute Ú uacute ú uarr uArr Uarr Uarrocir ubrcy ў Ubrcy Ў ubreve ŭ Ubreve Ŭ Ucirc Û ucirc û Ucy У ucy у udarr udblac ű Udblac Ű Udblac Ű ufisht Ufr 𝔘 ufr 𝔲 Ugrave Ù ugrave ù uHar uHar uharl uharr uhblk ulcorn ulcorner ulcrop ultri umacr ū uml ¨ Umacr Ū UnderBar ̲ UnderBrace UnderBracket UnderParenthesis Union UnionPlus Uogon Ų uogon ų Uopf 𝕌 uopf 𝕦 Uparrow UpArrow uparrow UpArrowBar UpArrowDownArrow UpDownArrow Updownarrow updownarrow UpEquilibrium upharpoonleft upharpoonright uplus UpperRightArrow UpperLeftArrow upsi υ Upsi ϒ Upsilon ϒ upsilon υ UpTee UpTeeArrow upuparrows urcorn urcorner urcrop Uring Ů uring ů urtri uscr 𝓊 Uscr 𝒰 utdot utilde ũ Utilde Ũ utri utrif uuarr uuml ü Uuml Ü Utilde Ũ uwangle V vangrt varepsilon ɛ varkappa ϰ varnothing varphi ϕ varpi ϖ varpropto vArr varr varrho ϱ varsigma ς varsubsetneq ⊊︀ varsubsetneqq ⊊︀ varsupsetneq ⊋︀ varsupsetneqq ⊋︀ vartheta ϑ vartriangleleft vartriangleright Vbar vBar vBarv vcy в Vcy В vDash vdash Vdash VDash Vdashl vee Vee veebar veeeq vellip Verbar verbar | vert | Vert VerticalBar VerticalLine | VerticalSeparator VerticalTilde VeryThinSpace vfr 𝔳 Vfr 𝔙 vltri vnsub vnsup Vopf 𝕍 vopf 𝕧 vprop vrtri vscr 𝓋 Vscr 𝒱 vsubnE ⊊︀ vsubne ⊊︀ vsupnE ⊋︀ vsupne ⊋︀ vscr 𝓋 Vvdash vzigzag W Wcirc Ŵ wcirc ŵ wedbar Wedge wedge wedgeq Wfr 𝔚 wfr 𝔴 wopf 𝕨 Wopf 𝕎 wp wr weierp wreath Wscr 𝒲 wscr 𝓌 X xcap xcirc xcup xdtri xfr Xfr xharr xhArr Xi xi xlarr xlArr xmap xnis xodot Xopf xopf xoplus xotime xrarr xrArr xscr Xscr xsqcup xuplus xutri xvee xwedge Y Yacute yacute yacy YAcy Ycirc ycirc ycy Ycy yen Yfr yfr YIcy yicy Yopf yopf Yscr yscr yucy YUcy yuml Yuml Z Zacute zacute Zcaron zcaron Zcy zcy Zdot zdot zeetrf ZeroWidthSpace zeta Zfr zfr ZHcy zhcy zigrarr Zopf zopf

Questions & Answers

A golfer on a fairway is 70 m away from the green, which sits below the level of the fairway by 20 m. If the golfer hits the ball at an angle of 40° with an initial speed of 20 m/s, how close to the green does she come?
Aislinn Reply
what is titration
John Reply
what is physics
Siyaka Reply
A mouse of mass 200 g falls 100 m down a vertical mine shaft and lands at the bottom with a speed of 8.0 m/s. During its fall, how much work is done on the mouse by air resistance
Jude Reply
Can you compute that for me. Ty
what is the dimension formula of energy?
David Reply
what is viscosity?
what is inorganic
emma Reply
what is chemistry
Youesf Reply
what is inorganic
Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of matter,it composition,it structure and the changes it undergoes
please, I'm a physics student and I need help in physics
chemistry could also be understood like the sexual attraction/repulsion of the male and female elements. the reaction varies depending on the energy differences of each given gender. + masculine -female.
A ball is thrown straight up.it passes a 2.0m high window 7.50 m off the ground on it path up and takes 1.30 s to go past the window.what was the ball initial velocity
Krampah Reply
2. A sled plus passenger with total mass 50 kg is pulled 20 m across the snow (0.20) at constant velocity by a force directed 25° above the horizontal. Calculate (a) the work of the applied force, (b) the work of friction, and (c) the total work.
Sahid Reply
you have been hired as an espert witness in a court case involving an automobile accident. the accident involved car A of mass 1500kg which crashed into stationary car B of mass 1100kg. the driver of car A applied his brakes 15 m before he skidded and crashed into car B. after the collision, car A s
Samuel Reply
can someone explain to me, an ignorant high school student, why the trend of the graph doesn't follow the fact that the higher frequency a sound wave is, the more power it is, hence, making me think the phons output would follow this general trend?
Joseph Reply
Nevermind i just realied that the graph is the phons output for a person with normal hearing and not just the phons output of the sound waves power, I should read the entire thing next time
Follow up question, does anyone know where I can find a graph that accuretly depicts the actual relative "power" output of sound over its frequency instead of just humans hearing
"Generation of electrical energy from sound energy | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore" ***ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7150687?reload=true
what's motion
Maurice Reply
what are the types of wave
progressive wave
hello friend how are you
Muhammad Reply
fine, how about you?
A string is 3.00 m long with a mass of 5.00 g. The string is held taut with a tension of 500.00 N applied to the string. A pulse is sent down the string. How long does it take the pulse to travel the 3.00 m of the string?
yasuo Reply
Who can show me the full solution in this problem?
Reofrir Reply
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Source:  OpenStax, A primer in mathml. OpenStax CNX. Apr 19, 2006 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10345/1.16
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