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Entity reference names and corresponding Unicode characters form the basis of mathematical content display.

The Unicode character set is arranged in the alphabetical order of corresponding entity reference names. We may use the characters like “β” directly (by copying and pasting the character) or may opt to reference them with entity reference as “&beta;” within the presentation token elements.

I Iacute ic icirc Icirc Icy icy icy Idot iecy IEcy iexcl iff Ifr Igrave igrave iiint iiota IJlig ijlig Im Imacr imacr image imagline imagpart imath imof Implies in incare infin inodot int Int intcal integers Integral intercal Intersection intlarhk InvisibleComma IOcy iocy Iogon iogon iota iquest Iscr isin isindot isinE isins isinv Itilde Itilde itilde iukcy Iukcy Iuml iuml J jcirc jcy jsercy Jsercy Jukcy jukcy K kappa kappav Kcedil kcedil Kcy kcy kgreen khcy KHcy KJcy kjcy kcy L lacute Lacute laemptyv lagran lAarr Lambda lambda Lang lang langd langle lap Laplacetrf laquo larr Larr lArr lArr larrb larrbfs larrfs larrhk larrlp larrb larrtl lbbrk lbrace lbrack lbrke lcaron lcaron Lcaron Lcedil lcedil lceil lcub Lcy lcy ldquo ldquor le lE LeftAngleBracket Leftarrow leftarrow LeftArrow LeftArrowBar LeftArrowRightArrow leftarrowtail LeftCeiling LeftDoubleBracket LeftDownTeeVector LeftDownVector LeftDownVectorBar LeftFloor leftharpoondown leftharpoonup leftleftarrows Leftrightarrow leftrightarrow LeftFloor leftharpoondown leftharpoonup leftleftarrows leftrightharpoons leftrightsquigarrow leftrightharpoons leftrightsquigarrow LeftRightVector LeftTee LeftTeeArrow LeftTeeVector leftthreetimes LeftTriangle LeftTriangleBar LeftTriangleEqual LeftUpDownVector LeftUpVector leg lEg leq leqq lessapprox lessdot lesseqgtr lesseqqgtr LessEqualGreater LessFullEqual LessGreater lessgtr lessgtr lesssim LessTilde lfloor lg lhard lharu ljcy LJcy Ll ll llarr llcorner Lleftarrow llhard Lmidot lmidot lmoust lne lnE lneq lneqq lnsim lobrk looparrowleft looparrowright lopar lowbar LowerLeftArrow LowerRightArrow loz lpar lrarr lrcorner lrhar lrtri lscr Lscr lsh Lsh lsim lsqb lsquo lsquor lstrok Lstrok Lt lt < ltdot lthree ltimes ltri ltrie ltrif M macr male malt maltese map mapsto mapstodown mapstoleft mapstoup marker Mcy mcomma mcy mdash mDDot measuredangle MediumSpace Mellintrf Mfr mfr mho micro mid midast midcir middot minus minusb minusd minusdu MinusPlus mldr mnplus models mp Mscr mstpos mu multimap mumap N nabla nacute Nacute nang nap napE napid napos napprox natur natural naturals nbsp nbump nbumpe ncap Ncaron ncaron Ncedil ncedil ncong ncongdot ncup ncy Ncy ndash ne nearhk neArr nearr nearrow nedot nequiv nesear nesim NestedGreaterGreater NestedLessLess NewLine nexist nexists ngE ngeqq ngeqslant nges ngsim ngt nGt ngtr nharr nhArr ni niv njcy NJcy nlArr nlarr nldr nlE nleftarrow nLeftarrow nLeftrightarrow nleftrightarrow nleq nleqq nleqslant nles nless nlsim nlt nltri nltrie nmid NoBreak NonBreakingSpace Nopf not NotCongruent NotCupCap NotDoubleVerticalBar NotElement NotEqual NotExists NotGreater NotGreaterFullEqual NotGreaterLess NotGreaterSlantEqual NotGreaterTilde notin NotLeftTriangle NotLeftTriangleEqual NotLess NotLessGreater NotLessSlantEqual NotLessTilde notni notniva NotPrecedes NotPrecedesSlantEqual NotReverseElement NotRightTriangle NotRightTriangleEqual NotSquareSubsetEqual NotSquareSupersetEqual NotSubset NotReverseElement NotSubsetEqual NotSucceeds NotSucceedsSlantEqual NotSuperset NotSupersetEqual NotTilde NotTildeEqual NotTildeTilde NotVerticalBar npar nparallel npr nprcue nprec nrarr nrArr nrightarrow nRightarrow nrtri nrtrie nsc nsccue nsim nsime nsimeq nsqsube nsqsupe nsub nsubE nsube nsubset nsubseteq nsubseteqq nsucc nsup nsupE nsupe nsupset nsupseteq nsupseteqq ntgl Ntilde ntilde ntlg ntriangleleft ntrianglelefteq ntriangleright ntrianglerighteq nu num numero numsp nVDash nVdash nvDash nvdash nvge nvgt nvHarr nvlArr nvle nvlt nvrArr nwarr nwArr nwarrow nvle nvlt nvrArr O Oacute oacute oast ocir ocirc Ocirc Ocy ocy odash odblac Odblac odot OElig oelig ogon ograve Ograve ohm oint olarr omacr Omacr Omega omega ominus OpenCurlyDoubleQuote OpenCurlyQuote oplus or orarr order orderof ordf ordm origof oS oscr Oslash oslash osol Otilde otilde otimes Ouml ouml ovbar OverBar OverBrace OverBar OverBrace OverParenthesis P par para parallel part PartialD pcy Pcy percnt period permil perp pertenk pertenk Phi phi phiv phmmat phone Pi pi pitchfork piv planckh plankv piv planckh plankv plus plusb PlusMinus plusmn pm Poincareplane Popf pound pr prap prcue prec precapprox preccurlyeq Precedes PrecedesSlantEqual precnapprox PrecedesTilde precnsim precsim Prime prime primes prnap prnE prnsim prod Product profalar profline profsurf prop Proportion Proportional propto prsim prurel psi Psi Q Qfr qfr qint Qopf qopf qprime Qscr quaternions quatint quest questeq quot "

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Source:  OpenStax, A primer in mathml. OpenStax CNX. Apr 19, 2006 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10345/1.16
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