- Engineering -- a modern creative
- Introduction to engineering
- References for introduction
List of books and articles on engineering and engineers.
- Barry M. Katz, Technology and Culture: A Historical Romance,
Stanford Press Alumni Series, 1990.
- Lawrence P. Grayson, The Making of an Engineer, An
Illustrated History of Engineering Education in the United Statesand Canada, Wiley, 1993
- George Bugliarello, “Engineering”, Editorial in American
Scientist, published by Sigma Xi, vol. 81, no. 3, May-June, 1993,page 206.
- Norman Hackerman and Kenneth Ashworth, Conversations on the
Uses of Science and Technology, University of North Texas Press,1996.
- Robert Pool, Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes
Technology, Oxford University Press, 1997.
- John Horgan, The End of Science, Facing the Limits of
Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age, Addison-Wesley,1996; and Broadway Books, 1997.
- Derry and Trevor I. Williams, A Short History of Technology:
From the Earliest Times to A.D. 1900, Oxford University Press,1961; and Dover, 1993.
- Ruth Schwartz Cowan, A Social History of American Technology,
Oxford, 1997.
- Richard Rhodes, Visions of Technology, From Marconi, Wright
and Ford to the Thinkers of Today and Tomorrow, Simon&Schuster, 1999.
- N. Rosenberg, R. Landau, and D. C. Mowery, Technology and the
Wealth of Nations, Stanford, 1992.
- R. S. Lowen, Creating the Cold War University: The
Transformation of Stanford, Univ. of Calif. Press, 1997.
- Vannevar Bush, Science, The Endless Frontier: A Report to the
President on a Program for Postwar Scientific Research, USGovernment Printing Office, 1945.
- Michael Dertouzos, What Will Be, How the New World of
Information will Change our Lives, Harper Collins, 1997.
- Kirby, S. Withington, A. B. Darling, and F. G. Kilgour,
Engineering in History, McGraw-Hill, 1956; and Dover, 1990.
- Samuel C. Florman, The Existential Pleasures of Engineering,
St. Martin’s Press, 1976.
- Donald Christiansen, editor, Engineering Excellence –
Cultural and Organizational Factors, IEEE Press, 1987.
- James L. Adams, Flying Buttresses, Entropy and O-Rings: The
World of an Engineer, Harvard Press, 1991.
- Carl Mitcham, Thinking through Technology: The Path Between
Engineering and Philosophy, University of Chicago, 1994.
- Don Ihde, Philosophy of Technology, An Introduction, Paragon
House, 1993.
- Bruno Latour, Aramis or The Love of Technology, The story of
a 24 year design of a guided transportation system in France thatwas dropped in 1987, Harvard, 1997.
- Fred Hapgood, Up the Infinite Corridor: MIT and the Technical
Imagination, Addison-Wesley, 1993.
- Subrata Dasgupta, Technology and Creativity, Oxford
University Press, 1996.
- Peter F. Drucker, Post-Capitalist Society, Harper Business,
- Alvin Toeffler, The Third Wave, Bantam Books, 1980.
- Alvin and Heidi Toeffler, Powershift, Bantam, 1990.
- Alvin and Heidi Toeffler, Creating a New Civilization,
Turner, 1995.
- Don Ihde, Technology and the Lifeworld, From Garden to Earth,
Indiana Press, 1990;
- Kenneth J. Gergen, The Saturated Self, Dilemmas of Identity
in Contemporary Life, Basic Books, 1991.
- Neil Postman, Technopoly, The Surrender of Culture to
Technology, Vantage, 1993.
- Hardison, Jr., Disappearing Through the Skylight, Culture and
Technology in the Twentieth Century, Penguin Book, 1989.
- Frederick Seitz, The Science Matrix, Springer-Verlag,
- John Hatton and Paul B. Plouffe, Science and Its Ways of
Knowing, Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a bodyof knowledge, Prentice Hall, 1997.
- Henry Petroski, Beyond Engineering, Essays and Other Attempts
to Figure without Equations, St. Martin’s Press, 1986.
- Kingery, R. D. Berg, and E. H. Schillinger, Men and Ideas in
Engineering, Twelve Histories from Illinois, University of IllinoisPress, 1967.
- Robert C. Goodpasture, Engineers and Ivory Towers: Hardy
Cross, McGraw-Hill, 1952
- Raymond B. Landis, Studying Engineering, A Road map to a
Rewarding Career, Discovery Press, 1995.
- James L. Adams, The Care&Feeding of Ideas, A Guide to
Encouraging Creativity, Addison-Wesley, 1986.
- J. Campbell Martin, The Successful Engineer: Personal and
Professional Skills - a Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
- Michal McMahon, The Making of a Profession: A Century of
Electrical Engineering in America, IEEE Press, 1984.
- Joel, Jr. And G. E. Schindler, Jr., A History of Engineering&Science in the Bell System, Switching Technology (1925-1975),
Bell Laboratories, 1982.
- James M. Nyce and Paul Kahn, editors, From Memex to Hypertex:
Vannevar Bush and the Mind’s Machine, Academic Press, 1991.
- Albert Borgmann, Technology and the Character of Contemporary
Life, A Philosophical Inquiry, University of Chicago Press,1984.
- Samuel C. Florman, “The Education of an Engineer,” The
American Scholar, winter, 1985/86, pages 97-107.
- David F. Noble, America by Design: Science, Technology and
the Rise of Corporate Capitalism, Oxford University Press,1979.
- R. Hamming, “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics”,
The American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 87, Feb. 1980.
- Thomas P. Hughes, The American Genesis: A Century of
Invention and Technological Enthusiasm 1870-1970, Viking Press,1989.
- Carl W. Hall, “The Age of Synthesis”, The Bent of Tau Beta
Pi, Summer 1997, pp. 17-19. Also, The Age of Synthesis: A Treatiseand Sourcebook (Worcester Polytechnic Institute Studies in Science,
Technology and Culture, Vol. 16), Peter Lang Publishing,1995.
- Derek J. de Solla Price, Little Science, Big Science … and
Beyond, The use of science to study the doing of science, ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1963, 1986.
- C. P. Snow, The Two Cultures and a Second Look, Cambridge
Press, 1959, 1993.
- Dian Olson Belanger, Enabling American Innovation,
Engineering and the NSF, Purdue University Press, 1998.
- Hazeltine, Appropriate Technology: Tools, Choices, and
Implications, Academic Press, 1998.
- National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers of Engineering:
Reports on Leading Edge Engineering from the 1998 NAE Symposium onFrontiers of Engineering, National Academy Press, Washington,
- Albert H. Teich, Technology and the Future, Seventh Edition,
AAAS, St. Martin’s Press, 1997.
- Peter J. Denning, editor, The Invisible Future: The Seamless
Integration of Technology into Everyday Life, McGraw-Hill, 2001. Acollection of essays from the ACM conference, Beyond Cyberspace, A
Journey of Many Directions.
- David Brown, Inventing Modern America: From the Microwave tothe Mouse, MIT Press,2002
- Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New
Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail, Harvard Business School,1997.
- David P. Billington, The Innovators: The Engineering Pioneers
Who Made America Modern, Wiley, 1996.
- Greg Pearson and A. Thomas Young, editors, Technically
Speaking: Why all Americans Need to Know More About Technology,National Academy Press, 2002.
- Alan Lightman, Daniel Sarewitz, and Christina Desser,
editors, Living with the Genie: Essays on Technology and the Questfor Human Mastery, Island Press, 2003.
- Steven Brint, editor, The Future of the City of Intellect:
The Changing American University, Stanford University Press,2002.
- Billy Vaughn Koen, Discussion of THE Method, Conducting the
Engineering Approach to Problem Solving, Oxford Press, 2003.
- Charles M. Vest, Pursuing the Endless Frontier, Essays on MIT
and the Role of the Research Universities, MIT Press, 2005.
- Arun Kumar Tripathi, “Technologically Mediated Lifeworld,
Ubiquity, vol. 5, Issue 41, Dec. 2005. An ACM WebPublication.
- Harold Evans, They Made America, From the Steam Engine to the
Search Engine: Two Centuries of Innovators; Little, Brown, andCompany, 2004.
- John Steele Gordon, A Thread Across the Ocean, The Heroic
Story of the Transatlantic Cable, Perennial 2002.
- Thomas P. Hughes, Human-Built World: How to Think about
Technology and Culture, Chicago Press, 2004.
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